
She's being such a b*tch! ?

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my close friend tami broke up with her ex a year ago. and her ex is really close to me as a friend, we dont like each other but tami's really jealous of us. so tami told me to back off of her ex even though her ex dont like tami. she told me to stay friends with her ex but not too close, but she told me in a harsh way. tami even said the same thing to my bestfriend because my bff is close to tami's ex. i always reply really nicely to tami. what do i do to stop her being so jealous? im just close to her ex but im really getting fed up of her getting jealous when she sees me just talking to her ex. then she throws a fit.




  1. tell her to grow up and get a life

  2. tell tami to email me at

  3. If she broke up with him then he is fair game for friends or anything else.  If he dumped her, I would have to cut ties with him.  

  4. If she wanted any claim on him, she wouldn't be an ex.  She sounds like a controlling b¡tch who needs to grow up and it sounds like she wants a confrontation.

    Treat her the age she acts, like a 6 year old.  She doesn't deserve adult treatment.

    Or you could give her ex and big wet sloppy kiss right in front of her.

  5. Tell her she needs to stop acting like a little child and point out that SHE broke up with him a year ago, if she wants him back than take him, you're not interested in him that way and tell her you have a right to be friends with whoever you choose. Also mention that there is nothing between you two and it's not the most uncommon thing in the world to be FRIENDS with a guy. If she doesn't stop the bullshi* tell her you're not talking to her until she grows up, trust me on this, she might be a close friend but if you let people do that to you than you can't have a healthy relationship I've been through it with my cousin (we aren't friends anymore because of it, she got jealous because I put my best friend before her on myspace and went far enough to call me every insult in the book and un invite me to her sweet 16)  

  6. well

    she isn't a very good friend for starters

    did you try telling her that she might be being just a bit jelous?

    if she throws a fit like that, tell her you dont wanna be friends if you cant be friends with her ex. Her realasionships problems shouldnt interrfer wiht yours

  7. You can't stop her for being jealous. She must still have feelings for him. If that guy is being a better friend to you than her, I think its time to reconsider your friendship with Tami. If she was a real friend, she would understand where you are coming from. Continue to be nice to her, but I would keep my distance since she keeps throwing fits.

  8. get a new friend. friends shouldn't act like that and say that in a harsh way. she should've said it in a calmer tone

  9. Alessa ur doing wot u know to be best,don't u be bothered by these jealous harpies its cause ur so interesting.  

  10. tell her to be more mature and move on, its her EX not her BF her EX! tell her he's not with her anymore so you can be as close as you want with him...tell her you can do whatever you want, you dont need her telling you what not to do!

  11. I think she still has feelings for this guy. Sit her down, with your best friend, and explain to tami that she has nothing to worry about and that you are only friends with her ex. You aren't trying to be spiteful or nasty, you think of him as a friend only. She shouldn't be jealous anyway, it's not like he's cheating on her with you. She needs to move on already!

  12. talk to her about it. tell her that you do not understand what she

    wants... if she's jealous.. it is not your fault. you'd rather be friends than enemies. if she continues to bother you, don't talk to her anymore.

  13. Tell her he's her ex and it's her own friggin fault she doesn't have him if you want him you can have him all you want...but that you don't want him so she needs to trust you as her friend or find a new one.

  14. you should get her ex and sit down and talk to her tell her yall just friend and she is getting on your nerves for something that's  stupid. if she don't wants to here you  out then stop talking to her.

  15. tell her: "Tami, I really appreciate your input sometimes on certain issues that concern me, but here, really, shove it up your *** and get the **** out my face before i slap you one you won't get off the floor. In the same line of thought, if you was stupid enough to break up with your ex, don't be a ******* ***** trying to tell people how to live their lives. Thanks."

  16. that sound alot like megan.. i just told her to get a life and stop being such a b*tch

    if shes that moany there no point in being her friend


  17. Tell her who your interested in  and who your friends with is your business not hers! If she is so concerned about her ex...she shouldn't of broken up with him. Tell her she's acting like a psycho and she can't control everyone around her. She needs to move on and get a life!  If she threatens you...make sure you tell a parent. Good luck!

  18. You should just keep doing what you're doing that's making her mad.

    Eventually she'll get tired of doing it and leave you alone.

    That way it's her loss.

  19. tell her if shes really your friend, she'll let you be friends with who you want. let her know she can trust you and that you wont do anything with her ex.tell her she doesnt have to be so rude to you, because thats how she'll lose more people in her life, and tell her shes being immature.... and that all drama is completely unnecesary cause shes the only one making a big deal out of nothing.

    its not your fault he didnt want her.

  20. Tell her to grow up and stop being such a baby. She broke up with him. Therefore that doesn't mean you have to all suffer right? YOU CAN MAKE-OUT WITH HIM IF YOU WANTED TO! Its so stupid of her to act like that. Tell her that shes being real messed up and that her relationship problem with him has nothing to do with you. So tell HER to BACK off.

  21. Put yourself in her shoes. How would you like it if ur friend was chillin with your ex. I cant say anything cus im best friends with my Ex's sister, and she started gettin real jealous and started thinking wrong.......But she had every right to.

    Cus I was porkin her sister ;)

  22. Find a new friend and dump her. She is a drama queen and too much trouble to bother with.  She needs to grow up.  Just leave her alone and find new friends.  

  23. dont let her put you down at all, tell her that u dont fancy this guy and if she still thinks u do tell her to grow up or get another m8 coz she anit a very good one by the sounds of things xx

  24. Easy, just do everything YOUR way… don´t care so much what others say and do… don´t accept that others rule your life.

    You are the only one who should decide what is wrong and what is right.

    The more attention you pay to others peoples opinions the more they will try to take from you… so just be firm and tell them that it is none of their business and that you know perfectly how to care about yourself.

    Don´t accept that they manipulate you that way!!!

  25. punch dat hoe in tha face

  26. whenever she is being harsh to you just reply in equally harsh manner and tell her to take a chill pill and say tht you and he are friends and she should not be jealous of it....even then if she does the same thing just dont listen to her and pretend as if you are not listening to her you know this will bring her on right path for sure

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