
She's doing this to get to me, right?

by Guest64213  |  earlier

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I'm hoping she's doing this just because she's petty and it isn't a real obsession or mental health problem. My older sister (I'm 18 and she's 26) watches me a lot with a grin on her face no matter what I'm doing, breathes in deeply with a look of pleasure when I get out of the shower and walk past her, watches me in my bikini when I'm tanning and then comments on my body, looks over my should to see what food I'm making or eating, peaks in the bag to see what I bought when I get home from shopping, makes a wheezing noise with her throat when I'm the only one around, and numerous other things. I have told her repeatedly these things make me uncomfortable and to please stop. Which I'm sure wasn't a smart idea. So do you think since she knows it makes me uncomfortable that she's doing this to get to me?

Thank you for your thoughts. I'm creeped out.




  1. That is very creepy. Does she have issues with food? What type of comments does she make about your body? Need more information.

  2. Your sister sounds like she is extremely jealous and envious of you for whatever reason.  She is really snotty!  Please don't let it get to you.  I have a much older sister (who is basically an old woman now) and she has been nasty to me all my life.  She makes snide remarks that used to really hurt me.  Then they just made me angry, but I am working on not letting it bother me. I try to realize that she is a very unhappy person and she is extremely competitive.  When she has something good happen, she brags and wants praise, but I am not allowed to say anything positive about myself around her.  I can't mention anything fun I do. I don't even feel comfortable talking about my friends because she doesn't have any (well, 2 maybe).She is the kind of person who only wants to be around people she can feel superior to, so that really limits her!  I actually am very careful what I say to her because I don't want to hear her hurtful and mean remarks. I think she just wants to ruin my happiness with her criticism. She is very insecure and feels bad about herself so she tears people down.  

    Can you talk to your mother about it?  I would tell her what is going on and ask her to not tell your sister you told her.  Maybe she will understand what is going on and what to do.  

  3. wow... that's REALLY weird, either she's playing some sick joke on you or.. she's just into her own sister?? I don't know.  

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