
She's sweet, petite, and alittle scary . .Is this normal?

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I love the lady. No doubt but I have 2 major head aches I need advice on. Yes, she came from a broken home, was home schooled so she never had much interaction outside that home and in her defense she has gotten better but . . .A) she has a mean jealous streak: at one point she told my terminally ill mother I wouldn't be able to visit on my days off because it interfered with "her time." I visited once a week and brought food. I set that straight on that one but I still have issues every time I get an IM from one of the guys. She instantly has to know who it is and what they want before i can even read it, and female friends? Forget it. Im a good guy. Ive never cheated on anyone. It was cute at first but now its smoothering. B) She cant seem to contribute to the well being of the family. Pls let me say im not sexist slave driver. I just believe if you want throw around words like marriage and children -she's been all about this from day 1- you should show some kind of responsibility. For example: I want to know if we marry and have kids, and i -god forbid- untimely die, she will be able to look after the children. And after 2 years of living together thats not happened. She's played hookie so much no decent employeer will hire her. And when she did work she would had some many accidents/spontanious ilnesses that she became a liability, or had straight out head butting drama with her boss (current situation). We've even tried -her words "Dream senerio" where she "does the stay at home wife" thing. I agreed to a month trial. 3 months and 25lbs later all i have to show for it is 3 month pile of laundry, a working knowledge of Lost/dancing with the stars, and several grey hairs. She has no car, so I let her use one of mine 24/7 no strings, encourge use for College seeking/job searching. Im 27 and ready to get serious, and she's 23. Would you stick with it and give her time to mature or is it time to let reality deliver a wake call?




  1. you've been with her for over 2 years already!! i don't think you need to stick with it and give her any more time to mature. she may be a good person, but if she can't provide you anything you want, you're definitely going to have more problems later

  2. perfect combo

  3. you're a great guy.

    she's taking things for granted.

    give her a wake up call.

    she can't go on like this.

    this is really,......... i have no comments.

    sorry, just give her a wake up call.

    she isn't in dream land.

  4. you should be more assertive with her and give her an ultimatum. she doesn't sound like good girlfriend material

  5. i dont think there is anyone who will be bothered to read all of that

  6. No. She has problems that will only become bigger problems for you in the future. End it and find someone else.

  7. talk to her or go to couple's therapy.

    we can not solve your problem, its between you and her

    good luck

  8. I actually feel sorry for you that the person you are in love with is that kinda person. she sounds like a mess!

    sorry if that is mean and probably isnt what you wanted to hear but you need to use your head on this 1 and find someone else. I say that with sympathy becoz I know it is hard when your in love to use your head.

    But not only is she a liability to an employer but she is a liability to you!

    what happens if you do get married and then you end up unhappy and divorced...?u really wanna waste all that time when there could be a better person out there for you to fall in love with?

    She sounds like a loose canon and I cant understand how someone could anticipate a long term relationship with that.

    no one knows what the future holds, all we can do is use the information we have at hand to make the best possible decisions!

    good luck

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