
She Ruined My Life, But She Won't Leave. Help!?!?!?

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Around winter time a girl that i considered my best friend got mad at me and as pay back she told my mother that I was planning on killing myself (which I wasn't!)

Well, obviously, my mother freaked out! Right after she got off the phone with my friend she drug me to the hospital and made me stay there over night while they talked about whether to have me commited to the psych ward. (I'm not jokeing)

My "friend" had actually told my mom that me a this guy I was really close to were planning on killing ourselfs together.

So my mom wanted to get a restraining ordor against this guy (he is my first love by the way) but I managed to talk her out of it with the promise that me and him will never speak to eachother again.....

And I ended up on anti-depressants (which I don't need)

So, here's my problem. This girl that completly screwed up my life thinks we're still friends, she's always calling and asking to hang out. I've been lying to her for months, always telling her I'm busy. I really just want her out of my life!

But, here's the catch, I still talk to that boy, at school, and he's like my best friend. and there are a few other things I've done that this girl could tell my mom, and whatever she makes up....

So, what do I do? I really want her gone, out of my life. She destroyed everything I had, just because we had a disagreement, not even a fight.....but if she did all that just because she was a little angry I can't even imagine what she'll do if I ask her to leave me alone.

But it's like haveing a sword hanging over my head.





  1. u needa xplain this stuff 2 ur mom. she will understand. then tell the girl you really didnt like wht she did 2 u... b honest maybe if u cant clear things up wit ur mom she could

  2. You might feel uncomfortable, but telling your mom first before she hears stuff from someone else. The rumor mill is brutal, facts get blown out of proportion or told completely wrong. When that happens, the damage is done and you'll spend alot of time just trying to get the truth known.

    Tell your "friend" to her face you want nothing to do with her and follow up with a written letter or email. If you're concerned about her retailiating, ask your mom to help you write the email/letter to her. If she still won't stay away, there's always a restraining order. Some people just can't/won't let go. It's usually best to reason with someone and explain honestly why you don't want her in your life, but sometimes you do have to do legal things to protect yourself.

  3. Sounds like  you and your mom have some trust issues.  Why would she believe this girl instead of you.  My advice is to speak to a counselor.  Maybe they can help you talk to your mom.  

  4. If you really never had any intention of harming yourself and never said anything that would lead her to believe you would then dump her quick!!

    I know this may not be what you want to hear but try comming totally clean with your mom and explain your feelings for this guy. If possible maybe try inviting her over and secretly record her admitting that she totally lied to your mom. Play the recording for your mom and maybe get this other girl some much needed help!! Good luck to you!!

  5. Wow hmmm.... why not tell your mom the truth I'm sure shell believe you than some girl. Or you could report her to the police.

    and its not really fair that don't get to hang out with your first love just because this so called "friend" told lies.

    talk to your mom or something try finding a service that deals with these kinds of problems.

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