
She acts like she doesn't even care? ?

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For the past few weeks I've been so excited for today because it's the day that my volleyball team votes for captains.

Ever since I started playing a few years ago I've wanted to be one. My mother knows how much I wanted this and today when I found out I got voted captain the first thing I did was call her.

And all she said was 'oh.' No congrats or anything.

I'm so disappointed. It was really a big deal for me! What do I do?




  1. Myabe she was busy at the moment or was thinking about somethig else. All moms are suppotive well most** Talk to her later and tell her how excited you were

  2. maybe volleyball doesn't mean anything to her. i'm sure she doesn't have to cartwheels around the room just because you got captain. i'm sure she was happy for you. like others said, this is something you've been working hard for, not her. so just enjoy it and don't let her reaction ruin the moment.

  3. Maybe she had something going on in her life?

    Or maybe she was somewhat upset because it means you'll be spending less time with her, and more into volleyball.  But you'd at least think she'd fake some excitement.

    Anyways, talk to her when you get home.  Tell her it kind of hurt that she wasn't more excited for you.

  4. yeah my mom does that to me like all the time,

    like ill say something to her and shell just like stare at me for a second and then walk away.

    and unlike what other poeople said, she SHOULD be happy for you. i mean shes your mom!

    just make her feel really bad about it lmfao


  5. This happened to me before. Not your exact situation, but I often feel that people don't care.

    Life is full of little disappointments.

    Learn to try and ignore it.

  6. she was probably just pre occupied, tell her again and see her response

  7. well thats really mean tell her again and again untill you get a congrats!!!

  8. "well, maybe your mother was busy doing something. this is your accomplishment, not your mothers.



  9. well, maybe your mother was busy doing something.  this is your accomplishment, not your mothers.  


  10. I'm afraid I've acted that way too, when I was very distracted with something and one of my kids called me.  Was she at work?  Maybe she was running off to do something or was with someone else when you called.   Maybe the boss was right next to her.  Who knows?  Just talk to her and say, "You didn't seem very excited when I called you today.  Were you distracted?  Did you know that I was so excited that you were the FIRST PERSON I CALLED?"  

    The last part will work - I guarantee.  

  11. Maybe something is going on with her and she's got a lot of things she's thinkning about at the moment. She probably did nto realise she upset you. Try and find out.

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