
She broke my heart.. how do i forget her?

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2 years in a relationship.. she broke ma heart. and i cant get her out of ma head.. how do i forget about her?




  1. it will take some time but you will get over her eventualy

  2. get out of the house and find someone else (club, bar, through friends etc),

    if you find someone special you will forget all about her

    Good luck

  3. It just takes time, you'll find someone new someday :)

  4. It takes only time dude...It will pass.

  5. date other people!!! if ur old enough, try going to a single's bar!!!

    good luck!

  6. Get with one of her friends ... that's a start

  7. Time helps a lot and have a friend set you up on a blind date it may not work out but you will be back in the game and ready for love. hope you feel better soon

  8. It is hard having your heart broken, but remember it is apart of life that everyone has to face sooner or later. Just try doing some things that distract yourself from watching tv, reading a book, chilling with some close pals.good luck :)

  9. from experince i will tell you.time my friend,time.and not talking to her and going to places where you might run into her keep busy.

  10. It will be hard to forget, since you've loved/love her. It will take time, but don't sit and wallow in your misery. Go out with friends and reacquaint yourself with them, play sports at the local park, be determined to exercise your way to better health, etc., another words, get out of the house and think of other things. Just know that it will fade in time, but, I know, that time goes slow. I found that going to the fitness center gives me an out and helps me release stress. It has become part of my routine and I like going and how it has made a difference in my appearance (in a good way, of course). There will be a time when someone will come into your life, your interested will be peaked, your old girlfriend will be pushed to the back of your thoughts and the new girl will monopolize your thoughts/actions. Good Luck.

  11. Sleep with her friends

  12. ugh, very hard and difficult situation.

    idk, some people are different, you could try and flirt with other people, or maybe remove anythings that make you remember her.

    but the best thing to do (if she really did break your heart) is not to try and call her, even if for some reason she calls you dont talk.

  13. Usually when I try to forget someone. I put them in there place with a hammer.

  14. Just think how bad she is as a person and your mind will think stay away from her.  Go on vacation.  Do something fun.

  15. push her aside date her friend shell get mad and you will totly forget her

  16. aww u will get over it. i broke up with my bf 2 days ago and i miss him alot and i know how u feel but in the end u realize theres someone better out there for u. gl :)

  17. Well, see, it depends on what she did to break your heart. Of course, you'll find someone new soon, I promise you! It takes time to forget the hard times in life, but patience is a virtue. Do something distracting, like looking for someone else. You'll be okay.

    Did she do something really bad? Like cheat, etc.? Start looking for someone new, she's not even worth your time.

    Did she just break up with you? Realize that it always happens, and start looking for someone else. But don't get too upset.

    Good luck to you!

  18. You'll never actually FORGET her....but you can help ease the pain by drinking and socializing with friends. It won't stop hurting until you're just try not to wallow by listening to songs or watching movies that remind you of her. That's only going to make it worse.

    Just try to enjoy the fact that you're single and are no longer tied down to anything!

  19. s***w her girlfriend !!

  20. First of all how old are you? Was this your first love? First serious relationship?

    Here is my suggestion. There are plenty of women out there and this is most likely not it for you. You have to re-asses what you want in a woman and what you expect from your woman in a relationship and ask yourself were you truly happy in the previous relationship. Chances are she fell off the wagon somewhere down the line and the end was inevitable.

    Go out with friends, family, neighbors whoever. Just reintroduce yourself back to life and start to enjoy the small moments of individuality again. Next thing you know you will be back to your old self again, confident and ready to hit the dating scene...And this time you will have a newer, fresher attitude about relationships and she'll be a pebble in your pond of memories.

    You're bound to find the right one in no time. Good luck :)

  21. think of all the bad she's done to you!

  22. find a new girl but b4 u goo out wit her wait sum  timee  

  23. how about , deleting all the past and opening a new life?....

  24. dont sit an think wot did i do wrong and stuff like that because that will mek it wors jus get someone else  

  25. Meet a new girl who's better than the old. And you never know she might get back together with you. But remember when god closes one door he opens up a window.


  27. Delete her phone numbers, emails, texts, everything! Get rid of every photo, letter and trinket she ever gave you. Delete her from your myspace and/or Facebook, so you won't be stalking her.. This may sound harsh but it really is the only way to forget. Go out with your friends and have a good time. You are free my man! Get out there!

  28. when my first GF left me i was pretty upset, so i tried to find a hobby. i got into guitar, and she was out of my head within the next week! a good hobby is the way to go i think  

  29. You have to realize that you were incompatible, on different paths in life, only abusing each other by staying together, one person holding the other back, preventing growth, creating resentment, turning love into hate, and there was no other choice than to break-up; the only other option would've been a sick life-long sacrifice for the other's sake.

    Furthermore to get over her you have to forgive her and forgive yourself for making the mistake of pursuing this doomed relationship for whatever superficial or mindless reason, for not seeing the signs earlier or ignoring them, and thank her, if she's the one who broke up with you, for ending it before things got worse! Because they would've gotten a lot worse if she'd stayed with you out of fear or pity or self-hate, when she really wanted something else in life, to move in a different direction.

    And more than that, you can't take it personally; she didn't break up with you because you were lacking and she thought she could do better, she broke up with you for herself, to return to herself, to her own path, to follow her own dreams, and while unpleasant for you, it's her right and duty to herself. And her decision does not reflect on you as a person, only on her.

    While beautiful and exciting, this girl had parents and a life that was different from yours and no amount of thinking about it could've made the two of you compatible. Who she is is a product of forces outside your control, which drove you together and then apart. It's up to you to deal with this rationally and to find someone new to compliments you and for whom you compliment, someone great!

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