In short I was with my gf for nearly 2 years, we had great relationship, we moved in together after 6 months which went well at first but gradually gave us a lack of space with each other, etc
Then two weeks ago she told me she was a bit fed up with her life including me and that she was moving out for a few weeks to see how things improve and go back to maybe what it was like in the beginning, then we had a little row on the day she was moving out so I took her back to her parents and she said she would contact me during the week
Then that evening she asked to meet up, we went for a drink and she told me she didn't want it (being us) anymore and that giving it a few weeks might make no diffference and just make it harder
It has only been a few days and we haven't had contact except for the first, she has yet to pick up all her stuff and I'm just wondering if there is maybe a chance she will regret this and want me back, at the moment the pain for me is so much to take