
She broke up with me, will I ever get her back?

by  |  earlier

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In short I was with my gf for nearly 2 years, we had great relationship, we moved in together after 6 months which went well at first but gradually gave us a lack of space with each other, etc

Then two weeks ago she told me she was a bit fed up with her life including me and that she was moving out for a few weeks to see how things improve and go back to maybe what it was like in the beginning, then we had a little row on the day she was moving out so I took her back to her parents and she said she would contact me during the week

Then that evening she asked to meet up, we went for a drink and she told me she didn't want it (being us) anymore and that giving it a few weeks might make no diffference and just make it harder

It has only been a few days and we haven't had contact except for the first, she has yet to pick up all her stuff and I'm just wondering if there is maybe a chance she will regret this and want me back, at the moment the pain for me is so much to take




  1. let her go. don't expect anything and you won't be disappointed.

  2. Yes, there is a chance that she wants to come back to you later, but by that time your feelings toward her will be gone. I know it is hard to believe it now. Give her the space she needed, she will be surprised how lonely she is going to feel. Most girls wants guys to be strong and not to show too much emotion and drama. I would just put her belongings outside of the apartment or let a friend be there when she comes to pick up her stuff. Have some dignity. There are endless number of ladies out there who would appreciate your company. You cannot make anyone love you but you can find one who does.

    Good luck, keep your chin up, be strong and find some "activity" to fill out the space she is leaving behind (sport, club, travel, find your old friends, volunteer etc.)

  3. Well depends on what the reason is for why she is leaving...obviously something is bothering her. Just give her her space & if she really loves you she will come back to you.

  4. Don't give up on this but at the same time you have to try and get on with your life and keep yourself occupied. Sounds like the longer this situation goes on the more your insecure you will feel about yourself.

    If and when she comes to talk your going to have to renegotiate the set up of your relationship so that it doesn't happen again. It may mean not living with her immediately, giving her space etc. it will be ultra hard but by the sounds of things you really love her so this shouldn't be stopping you put the effort into this relationship.

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