
She controlls everything...including to where i go to college..WTF!!!?

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okei,so..basically she controlls EVERYTHING...

when i graduate from high school,i plan on going to college..but i want to either go to school in NY or CA..we live in michigan and shes like "you cant go anywhere where i cant get to you in 4 hours by car" and im all like WTF

if IM the 1 who is going to be 60thousand dollars in debt,shouldnt i beable to choose where i go?

also,i am mostlikly getting a scholorship (im native american) so..why cant i go where IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII want!!!!

she has a friend in alabama who is some important person at an agricultural school and she wants me 2 go there (she is moving to the south when i graduate),...and i want to go to school to teach english to japanese speaking ppl and spanish speaking ppl because i speak both languages well (still studying spanish tho)

and another thing is...

i cant have a simple conversation without her getting mad!!!

i was talking about a really nice flat iron tht i saw,and i wasnt asking for it because its really expensive,and she got mad and started yelling,then started yelling when i asked her when we were going school supplies.....what can i do?

there is absolutly noooo reasoning with her

this isnt anything new,this is how shes been my whole life!!!!!!!

she gets mad about every little thing and its driving me crazy!!

i cant have a conversation with her cuz she'l get mad about something i said,or she'l disagree.

and,i really have something i need to tell her,but i dont feel like im close enough to her to tell her!!!

shes completly driven me away from her and im going nuts!!!




  1. First get rid of WTF!

    Humor her for the first year, then when you've show her how well you can study and keep an a+ average in all your subjects, you should be able to transfer to a university that will accept you.  Don't children have fathers anymore?

  2. Ok, is your Mom in menopause?....Probably not a good idea to ask her that lol but my Mom was the same way when I was 15, and she was having menopause. I couldn't do ANYTHING right, she even yelled at me about the way I walked! She was just SO irritable and cranky all the time, her way or the highway, ect.

    Ooook. first off, if you are in school, I suggest talking to your counselor (if he or she is any good) about how your Mom is acting. Maybe the counselor can mediate between the two of you. Sometimes it takes hearing from an outside source for her to realize that she is hurting and frustrating you. She may not take your word for it, because honestly it sounds like she's taking out agression from somewhere else on you, and that's never good. So I would definetely get a counselor or even an aunt or another adult you trust to stick up for you, and talk to her about it.

    As far as college, you'll be 18 when you go, won't you? She CAN'T tell you where you can or can't go. That's something else you can speak to your counselor about. When you take your entry exams (ACT or whatever it is in your state) you can put down what colleges you want to apply for and they will do it for you - no Mom invloved. At least, that's the way it was for me.

    Anyway, hope I'v ehelped, and good luck!

  3. just  tell  them

  4. My son just started his first year of college this year.  he has been gone for exactly one week today and I miss him so much Im about ready to die!  He is only an hour and a half away but seems like thousands of miles!  He faces 12 yrs of college- he is pre med.  After 4 years he will be going to Boston Medical.  SO far away- we r in Nebraska!  BUT I know Boston Medical is the best medical school in the country and its an honor that he will go there- also on a full scholarship- due to his grades and ACT scores.  Im originally from Ohio so when he goes to Boston I will more than likely move back to Ohio- its so much closer to where he will be!  I think she is afraid she will not be able to see u much when u r far away from her.  I know Im going thru h**l missing my son but I also realize its his time to grow and become his own man!  He and I are extremely close so he is home sick too!  Poor thing!  Sometimes parents get angry over little things because they r stressing out and worrying about other big things like u leaving!  I have no doubt that she loves u very very much!  But once u turn 18 u can go to any college u like!  Reach for the stars and go for your dreams!  Just call her often from college and let her know u still love her and need her!  Good luck to you!

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