
She did it again!?

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Hillary did a magnificent job of stepping around questions this evening about her support for states giving illegal aliens drivers license. When asked if she supports the idea she said she supports the governors doing what they think they need to do. When they tried to pin her down to her opinion about DLs for illegals she managed to skirt a positive answer. She did say she thinks illegal aliens who are in the United States and are working, causing no problems and desire legal status then we should give them legal status. This woman is out of her mind! Polls show that 88% of Americans do not support amnesty for illegals; why does she continue to support it. That is why she avoided a positive answer because she knows if the American voter knows her true feeling she will loose votes. Watch the news; se how she skirted the answer and then tell me - is she worth your vote?




  1. Hillary Clinton is playing it safe not to be identified as against immigration in order to get the votes of the ethnic groups.

    VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know who will likely win.

  2. Shrillary is the penultimate panderer, she can talk about any position from both sides of her mouth at the same time.

    No, never worth my vote.

  3. her whole life is confused..she is and stays married to a serial cheater. She can't stop him so how is she going to stand up against the evil leaders in this world? Everything she stands for is what ever way the wind is blowing on

    an issue..what ever is popular and easy at the time. Bill Clinton is popular so she keeps him around even though it

    can't feel very good to know your husband finds companionship in the arms of other women. Her life is so full of duplicity it is not even funny. This woman is not grounded ..she needs some help in finding her core, To me she is very confused.

    This is the finest example of political mambo-jumbo, double-talk ever recorded. She talks so much and says very


  4. Is it me or does every politician step around the question. I haven't heard a question answered in years by anyone!

    I gave the Republicans a chance, they screwed it up. I'll take Hillary over another four years of pointless war.

  5. The wishy-washy Queen of Mean will do anything,say anything that she feel will engender her to the masses. Her one proposal for health care as first lady would have bankrupted Medicare. Her $ 5,000. for poor families is an obvious attempt to buy votes. We also don't want to legalize illegal aliens, If they are illegal they deserve no benefits. Let them go back to Mexico and sponge off that country.

  6. I find more than this wrong with her!  If possible, I will not vote for her!  If she happens to win the Democratic nomination, I just might have to start looking to vote Republican, if they can come up with someone worth my vote!  I watched the debate in it's entirety!
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