
She doesn't know what a VP's job is and she called Hillary a whiner,?

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Does she now want us to accept her. Stop dreaming Sarah. We Hillary supporters have fully pledged our allegiance to Barack. Our Hill bowed out in grace and you will not take her cake.




  1. Hey Be Nice - Sarah Palin is a hockey mommy and a PTA member.  McCain was POW.......

    The very idea !!!

  2. I was open and waiting for Nov to really make my choice, BUT then McCain came out with Ms. Palin.  Who is this woman?  She's from Alaska the 60th state!  She's been Governor for 2 years... woopie!

    I'm insulted as a woman.

    I loved Hiliary and thought that she would have been a great president, but if McCain thinks that he can just put anyone w/ breast and *** on the ticket and women are stupid enough to vote for him, then he really doesn't get it.

    So what she's Governor, it's Alaska dammit w/ the population of 600.

    And she's lying already, she was all for the road to no where bridge, now she gets on stage and make a statement how she was against it, and told the "good ole boys" No.

    I'm not going to sit this election out because of McCain and Obama, my vote counts and I'm sorry, but Obama just might have scored one more w/ me.

    I'm disappointed in McCain.  

    And for those that say, she's only the VP.  The VP might have to step into the President's shoes at any time, especially in McCain's place... he's over 70!  What condition will this country be in if she's has to take over.  You must take this into consideration.  Elections are important to every American.  We've had Bush for 8 years and although McCain's policy were too close to Bush, I still considered him, but this last stunt has pissed me off.

    If he wanted a woman... w/ strength, background and is known, he could have pick Condoliza (however you spell her name), but Sara Palin... who the h**l is she and what makes her a good candidate for VP.

    Come on people, I'm not trying to get anyone to vote for Obama, you do what your heart tells you, but this is scary.  McCain met her once.  You're going to tell me he was so amazed, smittened, blown away by her political views and  accomplishment that he looked over Roomney, Liberman, etc.

    Come the h**l on.

  3. I am shocked that McCain thinks women in America are so gullible that we think any woman will do. Well he is wrong. Sarah is a beautiful person. But her experience is small time. This country would be in chaos if something happen to McCain as president. Maybe one day she will be ready. But not now. She really need to be home taking care of her sweet little Down Syndrom baby and his siblings. Nannys are ok in some instances. But this child needs his mother daily. Not a mother traveling all over the world making a name for herself.

  4. You guys need to get your ears cleaned out. She did not call her a whiner. She said that Geraldine Ford who ran with Mondell back in the 80's and Hillary Clinton were winners That was a complement. Based on the fact that they opened the doors for women so they would have the opportunity to run for president. I can tell that the better part of you guys are uneducated when it comes to politics.

    Oh and by the way there are thousands of people that live in Alaska not just 600 Get your facts straight before you run off with your mouth Scherri

  5. Really, hadn't heard that.


    There is your source. I love how McCain/Palin supporters are telling us to get our facts straight on these. YOU are voting for this woman, if McCain were to get elected, and died, SHE is going to be our president. Do your research on who you vote for. I am an Obama supporter and I have been reading up on this lady all day. Not impressed.

    Obama/Biden 08'

  7. Wrong!

  8. Ridiculous and insulting isn't it?  For Republicans to think that women are so stupid that they would just jump up in the air and cheer because now since McCain picked a woman that's all they need.  Palin wouldn't make a pimple on Hillary's back end.  Like Hillary supporters are going to care about an ex-beauty queen right wing governor of a state that hates to be reminded it's even part of the United States.  Oh yeah, SHE'S the same thing.  Got a v****a.  Must be the same.  She stands for everything that Hillary is fighting against.  If McCain thinks for one minute that this is going to bring in anyone from Hillary's camp the rumors must be true; he must be getting senile.

  9. I am reading everything I can about Ms. Palin, but the more I read, the more it seems obvious that the only reason McCain picked her is because she is a woman.  I read her biography, but she is unqualified to be VP.

  10. She did?

    Sounded like she was complimenting her to me.

    Maybe you should listen to what she says, rather than what you want her to have said.

  11. She call her a winner not a whiner. Get your fact straight first before bashing somebody with their own biased opinion.  

  12. She tried comparing herself to Hillary, obviously to get her supporters votes, which is also the only reason McCain chose her for his VP.

    I've been doing research and the reason we haven't heard of this woman before, and we didn't know she was up for the position is because she isn't qualified. The republicans just want their own Hillary.. but at the end of the day.. being the main candidate or not, Hillary is still a democrat. They're just jealous.  

  13. I am a Hillary supporter and I pledge allegiance to no man.  Pledge allegiance?  What the heck is that c**p.  Sounds like you are an Obamabot disguised as a Hillary supporter.

  14. After all the hard work Hillary has done and history being made we have a VP nominee who is saying things like that.  I'm shaking my head right now.  I just don't get it.  Are women so silly that they will throw the issues and ideals out the window to vote for a woman just because she has a .....well, you know.  

    McCain seems to think so.  

  15. palin is perfect!!

  16. For the poster who asked for sources:

    Palin admits she doesn't even know what a VP does.  SEE/HEAR HER IN HER OWN WORDS:

    (her V.P. comments are toward the end of the video)

    ...and she's under investigation for corruption like her mentor Ted Stevens whose endorsement she scrubbed from her website just this morning.

    ...and she called Hillary a "whiner."

  17. Dosen't she sound like an air-head who poli"tricked" her way to the top?  She needs to stick to stirring thins up in slow-moving Alaska and her Baby-Mama duties.  She's still wet behind the ears.

    I mean she seems compelling and bright but airy.  Some call her smart but this smarty pants knows nothing about the duties of the VP of the U.S.!  Is she smarter than a fifth grader?????

  18. Hillary was who I wanted I am still voting Obama McCain wont do nothing to help!

  19. She knows full well what the V.P. does.  She was throwing a red herring for anyone fool enough not to get her wit.  She didn't want to telegraph the fact that she was on the short list of VP candidates.

    McCain didn't make this pick to scoop up the hardcore Hillary supporters. He knows that for everyone of them he picks up he loses 50 conservative voters.  The math would kill his candidacy.  He isn't going to woo the left.

    What he needed was solid credentials with social and fiscal conservatives and with the blue collar community.  He needed a down to earth intelligent candidate with a history of reform and a will to take on their own party.   The Maverick wanted another maverick.  

    I wish the bitter Hillary supporters would just get over themselves.  Neither party wants your vote.  The price is too high.

    Sarah Palin has the conservatives fired up.  She is going to draw a lot of voters

  20. source?  didn't think so.

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