
She has a low self esteem...PLZ Help?? :(

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Be honest please........

My best friend is Asian girl and she has a low self esteem about her look and she always saying she is ugly. She always depression about her looks. How can I tell her not to be so low self esteem about herself and looks??

By the way, this her pix

what do you think about her?? Is she "good looking than average" or just "average"?? In HotOrNot site she got 7.8 rating.




  1. Yes she is pretty, The only thing that bothered me was her eyebrows they look a little strange in that picture. But she is very pretty.

  2. if she has low selfasteem then why ask ppl about her on yahoo, if she found out that ppl are rating her then she would be upset!! there is nothing wrong with her at all she is so pretty and unfortunatly there is no cure for lowselfasteem its something she needs to work on.i dont know why she feels like this maybe popular girls overshadow her...and makes her feel small.either way support her and just tell her why she should feel like this?i bet half of thosse popular girls are way ugly!? she so pretty and the thing is she wont believe it until she allows her self to believe it!

  3. shes pretty!


  4. she is REALLY pretty i'm not even joking she has really nice skin and hair and she's really pretty

  5. she is ok

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