
She has a "crush" on me, but what does that really mean?

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A good friend of mine came up to me the other day and said that this other girl had a crush on me. She's a cool girl and pretty cute. I don't really know what this means. I mean she's a girl so it could mean anything right? hahaha jk. Thanks for the input




  1. she has feelings for you

    she fancies you

    she wants you

    she thinks highly of you ;)


  2. what grade your in or how old you are would have been nice...anyhow

    it means she wants you to ask her out silly  

  3. that means that she wants to date you silly (:

    Just ask her to a school dance or a game or something..

    or if your parents are cool..

    maybe even a movie..

    good luck (:

  4. You said at the end  it was a joke so you must know what it means. Traditionally, having a crush on someone means you like them, or admire them, or fancy them,or want to date them, or want to have s*x with them or--------, get the point.So if you like the girl in question ,ask your good friend to act as a go-between or talk to her directly.

  5. yup, she likes you.  just hang out a little bit, talk to her, and work up the nerve to ask her out.  keep it simple, be yourself.  

  6. she likey herself some of you.

    haha seriously though.

    get to know her.

  7. dude it means she likes you. also meaning she wants to go out with you. you should go out with her.

  8. It means she either thinks your attractive.... or she likes your personality or it could be both. Go talk to her (Girls hate when their crush leaves them hanging) Trust me I know.

  9. it means she LIKES you!  

  10. she


    you !!

  11. She likes, be nice, and have fun.

  12. dude, she totally likes you. go out with her!

  13. this means she likes you and sees you as a potiential boyfriend

  14. she likes you, you know she would like to go out with you. ha ha

  15. Crush = Like , So if a friend came up to you and said some girl said she has a crush on you meaning she likes you

  16. It means she thinks about you all the time, fantasizes about you, admires you, wants to know you better, thinks about you when she hears music, worries about whether she's looking her best when you're around and hopes you are looking at her. She likes you alot and thinks you're fantastic. She thinks you're s**y and she thinks she's falling in love with you.

  17. I'll spell it out real simply so you can understand.

    She. Likes. You!

    Ask her out!

  18. Its too early for assumptions. If she do like you, she wont stop there, so act normal and when she gets more obvious, tell her how you feel.

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