
She hasn't been pregnant in the past, so.........?

by  |  earlier

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This girl that I was seeing has never been able to get pregnant in the past, (with other partners), and during the times we had unprotected intercourse, I never pulled out. Months have gone by and nothing came about. Recently we had intercourse again but I decided to pull out, however I believe I may not have pulled out in time. I'm not sure how much, but it wasn't much that made it in. Should I be worried?




  1. Are you trying to make a baby? Yes you should be worried. Be worried everytime you dont use protection...

  2. yea

    Read .. Love .. Come Back for more <3

  3. Always possible ....  the thing is if you don't want to conceive and you are having sexual intercourse - use contraception - it's that simple.

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