
She hurt me really bad, but i still love her, i can't get over her/ please.?

by  |  earlier

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well me and her were friends then good friends for about 3 or so months, then on December 30th of 2007, i decided the time was right to ask her out. she said yes, and i couldn't have been happier. as mine and her relationship went on, we went through more and more good phases, were it reached the point of true love, and it wasn't just there for the sake of saying, but we really felt it for each other. before me and her started going out though, she told me about this guy she always had this weakness for, and she claimed that i had the ability to resist him, so that being said it made me feel important and that she cared about us rather than him and her. so while me and her are together, this guy came back, and every time he did (he came back a total of 4 times), it couldn't help but seem that what she told me about me being able to make her resist him lost its strength, and each time he came back it became more serious, and she ended up lying to me for the very first time saying that nothing happened during there hang out when later on i found out that they kissed on the lips. so each time he came back, it got worse, and i hated getting hurt but at the same time i didn't wanna give up on me and her and regret it if there was more to come type thing. (and after this guy comes back, he always kicks her to the curb leaving her hurt and feeling pathetic) but the 4th time he came back, i found out after they had hung out because she didn't even take the time out to inform me ahead of time, and i found out that before he left, he said "i love you" to her, and she said she just cried because she couldn't imagine how he said he loved her but always hurt her, but when she told me about the hang out and all, i asked her after words if she said it back to him, and she straight up said no but she said she feels that she loves him, and i asked her if she even wanted us to be together anymore, and she said half yes half no, and i didn't wanna get hurt again, cause i couldn't take being emotionally cheated on 5 times even though it already happened 4 times. so i had to call it off, i told her i'm done, that i can't keep going through that hurt and bad pain. and she said her reason for not wanting us to be together was that she didn't want to hurt me as a boyfriend anymore, and she didn't wanna have the whole boyfriend and other guy drama, and that she just wanted to be single for a while. this was said on july 2nd of 2008, and its been about a month and a few days now, and as much as she hurt me, i still can't get over her. i love her deep down, and its just hard knowing that she said she wants to be single and all for a while, and now i just feel played because she already likes another guy and i found out the kissed and stuff already. so i really don't know how to get over her, i try to be happy, i try going out to get my mind off of it, but i just can't. its just hard accepting that its over and that she moved on because i don't see how someone can move on so fast after a 6 month relationship, especially with all the good and bad experiences that kept us together. so if you have any advice or tips or w/e on what i should do, please answer. i know i've written a lot, but i hope you would take the time out to help. please and thank you, honesty greatly appreciated, don't bother if you're gonna be dumb about it. (btw, if you're curious, email me and i'll explain more details)




  1. you have givin some really good advice i cant help but to think we all share almost the same problems almost like family but ur so strong minded how can u be so strong even when it hurts so d**n bad

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