okay...well this is the second time I had to ask a question about this "amazing" friend of mine...
before she invited s and j over to her house all the time and never me but still gives me "i love you jill! you're my bestest friend ever!" which is some serious bs!
i know that j is now better friends because they are in the same school activity so they are together more so i understand that she would invited her more and stuff but still...ONCE this WHOLE summer, and she acts like nothing is wrong...
and i listened to everyone here and talked to her and told her how I felt and all she can say is SORRY its not that i didn't want to hang out with you?
and now i come to a "sore" subject....vacation.
earlier this summer she invited a, s. and j with her...well then she uninvited a but she didn't think to ask me in the first place...even though she always promised i'd go next becuase when i went two years ago...her parents were fighting and stuff....
well...when i found out of course i was a little mad so she said if i go later this summer...i'm taking you...
she is taking s and j, and she acts like NOTHING is wrong and we are best friends....
i don't feel like best friends!!!
what should i do?