
She is starting to annoy me....?

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Ok. so my friend acts perfectly fine around me when me and her are just on the phone. well when we three way her boyfriend she starts talking trash to me and putting me down."like shes all cool and stuff" well I told her it got annoying and that I couldn't stand they way she was treating me when she was around her boyfriend. she keeps saying sorry. But then she just does the same thing over again. I have told her that I didnt want anything to do with her three way calls anymore but then she just kept bugging me and getting on my nerves so I agreed to answer the calls. but she still puts me down even after that. how can I tell her to stop putting me down and treat me better when she is around him?





  2. Stick to your guns. She obviously doesn't get it. You have expressed that you don't appreciate the way she puts you down and she hasn't changed. I would say she's not much of a friend if your feelings don't matter to her. I wouldn't take her calls full stop. You don't deserve to be treated like trash.  

  3. Please, don't let yourself get pushed around by this "friend."

    If she was a real friend, she would decide that you meant more to her than looking "cool" in front of her boyfriend, who doesn't really like her if she has to act like that around you.

  4. Immediately hang up the phone when the friend says something negative. But before you do, always say  "You JERK"

  5. oh i hate this kind of ppl. u have to put a stop to tis and fast. cos if it was between the two of u, its a different story but now it's around a 3rd person. wat wud his impression be of u. so make a stand and stand up for urself. if the next time she does tat, just yell at her at the top of ur voice to stop. that's its hurting you. i'm sure she'll be out of words then. if can tell her boyfren wat kind of girfren he have. u know sometimes we have to think bout urselves first. how long are u goin to look after her feelings and take **** from her, whereas she's goin on and on with it. or if the next time she calls, just cut the line. keep doin tat till she gets the msg. and if she texts u, delete it. shud u guys meet and she was to ask u, why did u disconnect my line when i called, just tell her "that's my way of telling u, that i don't like u bugging me anymore". hopefully she'll get the msg and leave. but if she still bugs you, then may god bless u.

  6. Distance yourself for her. She'll get the point. Time tends to heal things...

  7. i've had this happen to me before,

    and what i did seemed to help.

    first, sit her down, and tell her how you feel again,

    and if she says the same thing, tell her, you can't just tell me your gonna change, SHOW me your gonna change.

    and then if she still doesn't do anything different, tell her your not gonna talk to her when she is around her boyfriend, but STICK to it.

    thats all you can do.

    if it doesn't work,

    then i'm sorry.


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