
She saw me naked, but I don't want to get into trouble?

by Guest65951  |  earlier

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My 11 year old step daughter saw me get out the shower and saw me naked. I must have mistakenly left the bathroom door unlocked. I thought it was. My girlfriend (her mother) was not home at the time. I do not want to be accused of planning this, so how do I explain it to my gf?




  1. it was just an accident. chill. just tell ur gf that you forgot to lock the door...

  2. be honest

    tell her the truth she'll understand

    it was just a mistake

  3. You need to talk to your gf before her daughter does. If you are open and honest about what happened she will be much more likely to understand. Let her know that she needs to talk to her daughter about what happened, to clear up any confusion, feelings, etc.

    You also need to ALL talk about boundaries. She should not have walked into a bathroom with a closed door without knocking. My bathroom door does not lock because of the type of french doors, but my daughter knows that you don't walk in without knocking and waiting for a response. She is 5 and she follows those rules.

  4. it int bad isit all u have to sey is she walked in on me when i was in the shower and i forgot to lok the door

    or sey

    guess wot i forgot to doo lok the door and ur daughter walked in on me ooooooooo i must remember it lol

  5. If it was truly innocent as you say, then you have nothing to worry about. Tell your girlfriend the truth. If it was something that you planned, and now are worried about, you should be.

    Your girlfriends daughter can now claim that you tried to become intimate with her.

    As concerned as you seem, I do not feel that the encounter was as accidental as you claim.

  6. Tell her before your stepdaughter does. Explain that you are very embarrassed that she saw you naked and you don't know if your girlfriend should talk to her about it or not. If she finds out from her stepdaughter you will most likely be kicked out.

  7. First off, she's not really your step anything until you tie the knot, but the answer is to confront the issue before the daughter does. Hiding it only makes you look guilty. Good luck!

  8. Not a big deal. If your girl friend right person. Tell her what happened. She should think right way. And should give right action

  9. explain what happened. :P

  10. You seem very worried about this.  I mean, more than normal.  Was it really an innocent mistake, or our your trying to cover up planning the encounter?

    Did she like the show?

  11. In casual conversation just mention that your daughter walked in on you naked.

  12. Let her know A.S.A.P. I don't think she'll mind either.

  13. Just say you forgot to lock the door!  Your step daughter could tell her.

  14. just say

    Hey, i left the bathroom door unlocked and  (insert name here) came in as i got out of the shower.

    All will be forgiven

  15. dont worry, it happens.. ive walked in on a few friend dads using the restroom when i was younger.. talk about embarrassing... most likely shes feel really embarrassed.. so focus your concern on her, not your weird stirring guilt..

  16. Say "Hun, I need to tell you something that happened earlier and you might need to talk to [insert daughter's name] I must have left the bathroom door unlocked and I was stepping out of the shower and she saw me naked. I'm really sorry it happened, but she might be weirded out, so please talk to her and tell her I'm sorry and I will remember to lock the door every time from now on."

  17. Hillboy I would ask your daughter or future step daughter to knock before she enters the bathroom.

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