
She says that we dont know eachother that long, 10 pts for best answer?

by  |  earlier

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okay from yesterday's

so i asked her out, and she sed no

when i asked why she sed cuz we have only known eachother for 2 weeks, which is half a month, and that she doesnt know me that well and for us to be friends

so i think the best thing for me to do is ask for her number and email then get to know her for the 2 weeks-1 month or so then try and ask her out again

but im not sure, so i need ur advice on what to do

10 pts for best answer




  1. If she says she doesn't want to rush then she's probably the kind of girl who needs to feel more secure around a person before she dates. Get her info, keep the friendship up, and let her see that you can be trusted.  

  2. Take you time. What's the rush? Talk to her and get to know her better, she might not be the girl you really want to be with.

  3. yeah i think you should

    ~~~~take chances in life and always try never give up on what you want no matter how long it take~~~~


    theres only one life to live

  4. Don't make her look like you're in a rush, slow it down be her friend for 1 or 2 months before trying again. Don't look desperate and you should be find

    Girls, little advice?;...

  5. > but im not sure < Ah... Not sure about WHAT, exactly! You didn't really specify anything?

    If she doesn't know you well enough to consider you as a friend, then you have to respect that.  So, you could just simply say, well, 'I'd really like to get to know you better between now and the time I next t ask you out again....' or something like that.

    Be firmly gentle - AND don't ''push''.


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