
She think she can dance but she suck at it?

by  |  earlier

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my friend goes to a dance class a few times a week and has done that for like a year and a half.

but she really suck at dancin. it looks so wierd you can't imagine it. pepole think she's joking but she's not and everyone is laughing at her behind her back. i really lov her and i don't want her to embaress herself. she has'nt improved any since she started. she just can't see how horrible she is. i don't know if i should tell her about this. she'd be really sad if i did, i don't want to hurt her. she's good at many other things. but when she dance pepole just stare at her and whisper. she think that she's ok but it is so bad you really really can't imagine. you can't even call it dancing. i can't tell her because i don't want to hurt her feelings, but i can't stand this anymore. what should i do?




  1. sad

  2. video tape it and have her watch...see if she thinks she looks good compared to everyone esle, even try to get the looks on the crowd...that way she will see the reality, and you dont have to say anything mean

  3. take a video of her dancing and show it to her. be sure to ask her permission first. then see if she thinks her dancing is okay or not.

    if she doesnt mind what people say, then i guess let her continue.

  4. That's a tough position to be in.

    Maybe tell her but as a joke? Or in a way that doesn't hurt her feelings... Or else it won't be worth it.

    Good luck on that!

  5. First you need to relax because it's just dancing. Second, if she likes to dance, she doesnt have to be good to do it. You don't have to be good at something just to do it, you just have to believe in it and like it. If dancing makes her happy it's all that matters, she doesn't need to dance to please OTHERS. I don't think it is necessary for you to tell her because, what exactly is it gonna do??   1. She is either gonna stop dancing,just because she sucks.     2. She is gonna decide to keep on going, knowing that people make fun of her.

    #1  isn't good because you should never let people break what you do in your life.    

    #2 you would just tell her for her to know that people make fun of her and that's it? pointless and viscious!!

    If you're her friend stick up for her when people are making fun of her... If she ASKS you what you think, then that's the time to be honest, since she's askin for your opinion.

    It's not a big deal...your friend likes to dance but she sucks and people make fun of her. 'WOW' story of life ! that's life. no big deal

    good luck <3

  6. If you are both dancing together, you could kinda laugh and comment how you BOTH suck at dance. Who knows weather the comment will process or not, but it's worth a try. Or, when you two are hanging out, suggest to make a music video to your favorite song. Video tape you guys dancing to the music. Later, watch it...and maybe she'll get it. Just don't point out that you're better. Just keep laughing at yourself!! That's a tough thing to do. But if she doesn't seem to catch on that she's bad, just let her keep doing what she loves : )

    Good luck!!

  7. Well how about when you are dancing together try to say "instead of doing this, do this" and give her improvements not just criticise her. Talk to her teacher and see what she says. Or tell her to make a video of her dancing and she might realise and try to improve. It is hard but if it continues if will be for her own good to tell her she sucks!

  8. All the answers so far are good. You should talk to her teacher and the video tape thing is a good idea. You could give it to her as a gift. Record it and make it into a DVD with music. But don't just make it of her dancing, make it of her doing whatever. Otherwise she might catch on. My idea for you is just to suggest to stop dancing. But don't force her, if she likes it that much she shouldn't stop. Or maybe you could enrole her in easier classes so she could work her way up. I like dancing and if someone told me I was really bad at it I would be kinda hurt so maybe just say she could improve or something that isn't really mean.

  9. If she doesn't plan on going professionally, you should just be a good friend and encourage her to come to class and have fun.  Dancing can be like therapy and it counts as exercise too.  That's probably why she enjoys it so much...

  10. show her the video of Elaine on Seinfled

  11. talk to her dance teacher

  12. If she enjoys it, let her do it.

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