
She wants to be "just friends", but i dont think i can handle that anymore?

by  |  earlier

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Pretty simple we met last year i developed feelings for her that i thought were returned but she just didn't feel the same way and wanted to stay "just friends". the problem is that i cant shut off my feelings for her no matter how hard i've tired. ive been with other girls since then but yet shes always in the back of my mind. Being just friends has slowly been sucking my soul out of me for the last few months and i dont think i can handle it anymore. every time i talk to her my feeling stir back up again but i cant avoid her since i work at the same camp as her. i cant continue this "Just friend" bull ****, i feel like i should write a letter to her expressing that she has to make a decision and express my self to her one more time and if she still feels the same way then i need to end our friendship cause its killing me. what do you think? please give me more then 1 line of advice! I really need someone to talk this out with.




  1. it couldn't hurt to write that note...i mean some girls would rather just be me and this guy who i also met last year and he said he liked me but i just didn't like him that way...i would just tell her how you feel and tell her to take it or leave it

  2. I agree with the actions your planning to take best of luck with that and I hope her decision goes in your favor, the only draw back to all this is no matter how much you love someone if they don't have the same feelings as you do there is nothing you can do to make her love you, its either there or it isn't. Please remember also if she does decide that your not the one for her, keep reminding yourself a love that's not returned by the one you love is meaningless and pointless and over time you would only feel more empty because her feelings wouldn't be reciprocated,

  3. I've been down this road before. The one thing you have to realize is that no matter how much you care or show for this girl it is ALL one way.  If she wanted anything to do with you up to this point she would have.  You have to stop yourself and it won't be easy, end the friendship it's for the best.

  4. Girls are notorious for this garbage, and really, the more you try to change this, the worse she will get.  Contrary to what your mom will tell you, girls do not like emotional guys who are sweet and sensitive.  They like guys with balls.

    The best thing you can do is cut her off, and every time she tries to contact you just be terse and say "Sorry, I can't just be platonic friends with you.  If we can't be more than platonic, we can't hang out.".  She'll try again and again to get you to change your mind, but you have to keep firm.

    90% of the time she'll come around, but you have to make sure you don't give in.  If she absolutely insists on being around you, make a move and try to kiss her.  She won't resist if she's that adamant on being around you.

  5. Talk to her and tell her what you just told us.

    The only way she can make an informed decision is if she knows exactly how you feel, and how much you care for her.

    Tell her you need her to give you a chance!

    And that you need to sort out these feelings with her. Im sure she will understand.

  6. just go for it!

    i mean the word "just friends" means she is feeling something for you  and doesnt want to break your heart in any way. so thats why she wants to be just friends to keep things where they are right now.

    ask her out! if you never do, you'll regret not knowing the result for the rest of your life.  

  7. Totally tell her! I love this guy so much for 2 years now but he's all of  sudden went missing... I still love him and will wait as long as possible if he would come back until even Im 35, and thats almost 20 years. Yes you should write a letter but get some friends [that are girls] to read it and see if its good. Anyway I think letters are better since I like my memory of the guy I love more than his actual self.

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