
She won't let me hold guinea ?

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OK SO i just got my guinea pig last week right.and yeah i know shes still adjusting ..but i have a ? wen will she ever let me hold her.everytime i do she kicks me.n it scares me cuz im like ok so maybe i shouldnt hold her at all.o nd another thing.feeding time.she eats alot.are there certain times of the day wen she can eat.3)theres a spider in the cage.cnt get it out.arachnophobic nd it hides in the aspen.4)i basically need help.cuz its depressing knowing that you havent held your guinea pig since like the day u got sad cuz i wanna hold her reallly bad.does she want me 2 yet? ps. i got her wed. of last week. 16th. im sad.......i really wanna hold her.but i mean she lets me pet her all the time.but doesnt let me hold her.she moves alot at night is tht normal....anddd she hasnt said a word.she makes noises but theyre like inside of her hmm i wonder wat this is???? is she mute? i hope not.well help please.

-With love,





  1. First off, give her time! she needs to get used to you and most animals it takes more than a week, it takes several weeks sometimes if the animal has never been handled before. You might be scaring her if you are trying to hard and just going in and grabbing her. Let her smell your hand and get used to your voice first. Second thing, you MUST get that spider out. You do not need that spider biting your pet. Another thing, most of these animals are nocturnal and really play at night. Some guinea pigs  dont always make noise. Don't freak out.

  2. Well, the first couple weeks you may need to let her mellow out. Guineas are naturally jittery and nervous animals because they are prey to anything bigger than them. For now, just try petting her. You need to be patient if you want your guinea pig to become tame.

    Before trying to pick her up, make sure the room she is in is quiet. Try petting her for a minute or two and then slowly offer her a treat like a sunflower seed.

    Now how to actually pick her up? Place your hands on either side of her, then gently bring them together under her feet. Her feet should slide over your hands and you should be holding her.

    If that doesn't work, try to get her inside of her hut and take it out of the cage and slide her out of it into your lap.

    When you take the guinea pig out (I recommend about twice a day for at least 20 minutes), hold him in your lap and pet him very gently. Talk softly so he gets used to your voice, and feed him treats so he learns to trust you. It will just take time, but you'll get him there!

    You should fill your guinea pig's food dish up as soon as it is emptied. The only time you should worry about how often to fill it up is when she starts becoming obese.

    Guinea pigs are nocturnal, so yes they should be active at night.

    As for the spider, try to squish it with something without scaring your guinea pig.

    Check out this website to translate your guinea pig's noises.

  3. I have 2 guinea pigs and CocoBean was the first and I got him from the shelter he had been abused before and when I started holding him he would do the same. I would hold on and maybe put a blanket on top of her it makes them feel safer just pet her and make her calm. It takes at least a month for a guinea pig to adjust. My guinea pig wouldn't even't let me put food in he would bite me cause he was abused. As for the squeaking he might be lonley, My guinea pig CocoBean was like that to just making noises through his nose kinda. But then I got a second guinea pig {Rufus} and they play together and then he started squeaking. Try getting her to squeak by getting a bag and a treat rustle the bag and she most proably squeak cause she knows she's going to be getting a treat. Guinea pigs are very social animals and will most proably will adjust fairly quickly. when I first got rufus I let him run around and He would run then hop up on me and go to sleep he knew I was safe so make it feel safe for her. But about the eating guinea pigs have vertually small stomachs they can only eat so much there not going to eat ALL the time some times my guinea pigs will eat some hay and pellets and then not eat for the rest of the day but are you giving her treats all the time? OH Yeah I think i might know why shes not letting you hold her maybe before you got her possiably someone might of dropped her previously and she feels frightened and is afraid that she might be dropped again. Just hold on and dont let her back in until she settles down. Dont move when you hold her either. As for the kicking she's proably just trying to get out of your grasp :)

    Good Luck

    Animal Wuver

  4. When you take her out, how long do you hold her for before you put her back? You should hold her for about 10-20 minutes at a time so she can get over her fear a bit and get used to just being held. If you hold her, she gets scared and kicks, then you put her back, she'll never get used to being held. You just have to hold her through the fear. First, though, just sit by the cage and talk to her. Get her used to your voice a LOT. Feed her treats from your palms. And just hold her for longer periods of time each time you do.

    Guinea pigs are timid creatures, so it will take time and patience, but you can do it!

    As for the spider, I'd just take the whole cage and dump it and change all the bedding. Since you got her a week ago, you're about due for a cleaning anyway! :)

  5. if its a female and you bougth it at a petstore where she was with males havent you thougth that maybe she is pregnet cause pregnet guinea pigs dont like being hold cause you can hurt their stomach or maybe she just doesnt get used to it my baby guinea pig also runned away from me when i tried to grab it or it also scratched me but i grabed him with a towel so he wouldnt scratch me then i begin brush him cause at least my guinea pig likes being brushed i think most of them do but anyway now he even makes the sound they make when they are happy so try this it worked with me good luck

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