
She wont stop eating <span title="....Playdough,crayons,paint...EVERYTHING?">....Playdough,crayons,pai...</span>

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My 1 year old likes to eat/l**k playdough and she eats color crayons..water paints...will this make her sick? I take it away from her and tell her its icky..but i have a 2 year old that likes to play with it so i cant NOT take it out... Please help ...what else can i do with her,....she puts everything in her mouth no matter what i do to make her stop...




  1. Flour Finger Paint

    What You Need:

    One-cup flour

    1 1/4 cups hot water

    1 1/2 cups cold water

    Two-tablespoons salt

    Food coloring or tempera paint

    What You Do:

    Mix the flour, salt, and cold water in a saucepan. Beat the mixtures (with whisk or rotary beater) until smooth. Add the hot water and boil it until the mixture is thick. Beat until smooth. Add food coloring to add color. Store this in an airtight container in the refrigerator

    Edible Play Dough Recipe

    2 cups flour (~500ml)

    1 cup salt (~250ml)

    3 tablespoons cooking oil (~50ml)

    3 tablespoons cream of tartar (~50ml)

    1 teaspoon food coloring (~5ml)

    2 cups boiling water (~500ml)

    Play Dough Instructions

    Mix flour, salt, oil and coloring in a bowl.

    Add boiling water.

    Mix very well until lumps are formed.

    Cool down.

    Knead play dough until smooth (~10min).

    Store in air tight containers. I&#039;ve found it&#039;ll last up to 6 months when stored in a cool place. But don&#039;t freeze!

    if you can&#039;t break her from eating it at least you know she won&#039;t get sick from it.

  2. sounds like shes teething and is trying everything to release the pain.

    I suggest getting her rubber toys,after my daughter started chewing on things(I noticed what she went for was rubbery).So I bought her a rubber ducky ect.Thats what she sticks to now,and I just have to make sure to keep them clean.

  3. We usually just let our older kids play with the not baby friendly stuff when our 1 year old is sleeping. They all love playdough, but she also eats everything. Good luck

  4. Well dont take it a away from your two year old! Put it up somewere high when your two year is finished with the things! When your two year old is playing with the things have your one year old play with something else that is safe like legos, dolls etc........... Hope this works!!!!!!! Your kids seem nice I wish I had a little sister like one or two! Good Luck

  5. There is some wired eating disorder called Pica common among children dont worry its not bad but you should look up pica and what you can do to stop it.Take her to the doctor and ask picas when people eat non edible objects like what ur describing but im sure its not too much of a harm if you take her to the doctor asap and get his advice

  6. Don&#039;t worry......that is normal for a 2 year old.  Just keep those things away from her or her away from them.  Give her something to put in her mouth that it soother.

  7. Most children&#039;s products are non-toxic, like Crayola.

    Could she have Pica? It&#039;s a kind of anemia that makes people eat strange things. Not serious, but needs to be dealt with. The fact that she is 1 and is at the age where everything goes into the mouth makes me think it&#039;s probably just a phase. You just have to keep taking it away or distracting her when her sibling is doing art projects. Ask the doc what to do to make sure!

  8. You need to keep her away from the stuff period.

    Although most of these things are not toxic because they are meant for young children to play with, she shouldn&#039;t be consuming them the way she is.

    You really have to find a way to keep her away from the other child while he or she is playing with the craft supplies.

    Maybe you can only bring out the craft supplies during the one year old&#039;s nap time, or while you are feeding the one year old...etc. Basically occupy the one year old with something else during the time that the other wants to play with the craft supplies.

    Best wishes!

  9. That is typical, you will jsut have to watch her carefully, but at the same time talk with the doctor. I had a child in my daycare class that ate everything, especially rocks, dirt and sand....and she has a deficiancy in iron. We would find her when we lined up to go inside with a mouthful of something!

  10. i&#039;d say just watch where  her hands better, give her age appropriate toys to keep her occupied while the older one is playing.

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