
Sheamus triumphant against Christian at h**l in a Cell – WWE Update

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Sheamus triumphant against Christian at h**l in a Cell – WWE Update
The Celtic Warrior Sheamus was all set to take on Captain Charisma Christian at WWE pay-per-view special event h**l in a Cell at the New Orleans Arena in New Orleans, Louisiana on October 2, 2011.
In the wake of all of the chaos from both Raw and SmackDown on the account of the new COO’s actions and statements, the WWE superstars got their chance to make the best out of h**l in a Cell. The Celtic Warrior Sheamus got a life-time chance to lay his hands
on Captain Charisma.
With tons of frustration lurking inside the powerhouse it was obvious for Captain Charisma that he was going to face some massive retribution.
Chaos was seen before the match started, as the two former superstars, the Miz and R-Truth were seen at the ringside section flashing their tickets to WWE h**l in a Cell. The WWE’s EVP had none of it and with the help of security Laurinaitis came to escort
the former superstars from their seats.
The match commenced with immense energy from both corners as Christian traded blows with Sheamus. Captain Charisma Christian released a devastating spear to the mid-section of Sheamus. Christian charged with another spear on his opponent which he succeeded
in getting in. However, on this third attempt, Sheamus moved away and let Christian go crashing in the steel ring post.
Sheamus tried to put the Celtic Cross on his opponent, but Christian managed to slip out of it and tried his signature Kill switch. However, Sheamus managed to fight it off.
The advantage was taken by Sheamus who made the best out of it when he saw Christian lying helpless. Christian was dropped when Sheamus released with his finisher Brogue kick as it became obvious that the Celtic Warrior was going to win it. Sheamus got the
three-count as he pinned Christian to the mat.
Attaining a definitive win over the arrogant Christian was a charismatic moment for the Celtic powerhouse and with that he kept his pre-match promise to put Christian beneath his boot.       



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