
Sheath cleaning.....using baby oil?

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I cleaned my 1 yr old gelding sheath for the first time today. I used baby oil. Is that ok? I did rinse alittle after the cleaning. Is it ok not to rinse baby oil off completely?




  1. It is okay to use Baby Oil, but you must always rinse it out. All of it.

    I use Excalibur Sheath Cleaner, and it works great.

    Edit: You can leave it on overnight, but make sure to rinse it out in the morning. If you horse will allow it, just hold the hose in his sheath and let it rinse out for about 30 seconds to a minute.

  2. I haven't ever heard of using baby oil, but then again....haven't ever heard that you can't use it either!  My gelding isn't always real cooperative about dropping for cleaning so when I have him vetted I have that taken care of at the same time.

  3. Ugh, fun job, right? Hehe.

    I think it would be fine to use it, but since you didn't wash it off, well, go wash it off right now. Always remember that after you clean him, to wash the cleaner all of so it doesn't leave uncomfortable residue.

  4. Yes, baby oil is OK! I use baby soap. & Sometimes you don't have to use anything just the hose. & You shouldn't clean more than 2-3 times a year. That can make it get dirtier, quicker. Hope this helps!


    I would rinse it in the morning, if my horse. I think it collects dirt..... I would just hose it well!

  5. I don't use this, I have found it attracts dirt and sort of defeats the purpose of not building up smegma. I always use sheath cleaner for this reason. Usually I do it when they are getting their teeth floated, its so much easier then!!!

    Try the link below, it is entertaining on a not so entertaining subject!!! :~)

  6. You're OK with what you did but you might want to just use plain mineral oil next fragrance.  I use the oil on him and let it stay on to soften the yukky stuff and the next day, I'll rinse him good.

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