okay, we bought a house that was way below market value that a sweet little old lady started about 100 remodel projects on. well, i'm on project 56 or so and here's the prob. she put up sheetrock, mudded it, didn't sand it, then painted it. my question is, what is the best way to sand down the area that was painted over. (lol, i'm pretty handy so you can use the big boy words in your explanations please :) ) tools i have access too are a few different types of electric sanders, manual sanders, most of the different types and grits of sandpaper, the joint compound and such, and then all your other basic tools. so any ideas would be great. (my hubby is at work right now, and due to illness is unable to physically do much of the work, but i can't get ahold of him to advise me on the exact type of paper :)
thanks in advance, and have a blessed day :)