
Shell I spoil my putter if I cut it from 35' to 34' ?

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Shell I spoil my putter if I cut it from 35' to 34' ?




  1. ya bro all these answers are good. jsut wanted to tell you about my putter. it was a 35 incher and i cut it down to 31 and i put way better now. although i dont think 35 to 34 isnt that big of a change and you could jsut choke down on the putter an inch instead of spending that money to get it down. jsut an opinion. do what works best for you man. tee it up and hit'em hard!!

  2. Unless you're a 5 hdcp or better, the weight you lose by cutting an inch off the shaft is not going to matter. That's like saying a I'd have a better chance at hitting a Josh Beckett fastball with a 32 oz bat ovwer a 33 oz bat. It simply doesn't mattereither way. I am by no means a pro, but I regrip for my friends and playing partners all the time. And I've cut down several putters, some as much as 3 inches and everyone has always been happy.

    Look at it this way, if you need/want a shorter putter, the benefit of losing that inch will FAR outweigh the loss of a few grams in shaft weight. Again, I doubt you'll even notice the difference in weight. As far as how to do it, it's actually quite simple. If you can regrip, you can cut a shaft. Esp. a putter. Just remove the grip, wrap masking tape around the area you'll cut (I've found that keeps the burrs to a minimum), mark it, and cut it with a pipe cutter. Then just knock off any large burrs with a file, retape, regrip, and you're good to go.  

    Keep in mind, I'm only talking about putters here. Don't try this at home with irons or woods.  Because then you're talking about changing kick points, swing weights and even flex. If you want to shorten those clubs, by all means let a professional do it!

  3. I have been putting with a 35" putter for about 25 years, and I have always gripped down about 1/2" - 1 1/2".  I have tried 34", but never liked them.

  4. I have always used a customed fitted 34' putter. I love it

  5. no but you need to re-grip the putter after

  6. Don't do it yourself. When you shorten the shaft, you will change the swingweight. If you want a shorter shaft in your putter, then get your local golf pro to do it. Then he can put more weight into the clubhead so the swingweight stays the same.

  7. I agree with the Ohio golfer about affecting the swing weight but more importantly you should understand the lie of the club head.    You might get a tip rise on the putter head if you shorten the club. If that happens then you can have the putter lie changed 1 or 2 degrees flat at the pro shop.

  8. I would first go to a golf store and try some differnet length putters to see what length is best for you......But no you won't wreck it you might make it better an inch shorter I made an old putter into a long putter and after playing with the lie of the club I now have a killer putter that my buddies jokes that 10 footers are gimme's I'm so deadly with it.

    So have fun and don't  worry putting is all about confidence so if shortening your putter works go for it

  9. Boris -

    When shortening the putter you must understand that the swingweight will be lighter than it was when it was longer.

    Otherwise you can't really hurt anything by shortening it. Use a pipe cutter to cut the shaft once you have the grip removed....and then sand the sharp edge, retape, and regrip.

  10. Ask your local Pro to do it, i have a 32" putter which has worked wonders for me, i would advise anyone interested to have it shortened as much as possible. with a shorter putter a better stance is achieved - allowing better, more consistant putts. Don't DIY though!

  11. No, it won't hurt it one bit. The difference in the feel or weight will be negligible. You're only going to lose the weight of one inch of shaft. This will also provide you the chance to have the putter re-gripped with a putter grip that you might prefer over the original grip.

    Affecting the swing weight on a putter by reducing the actual weight of the putter by 1" of shaft?  Swing weight is about feel and balance.  I would guess shortening one of your shoe laces by 1" would affect your weight transfer. Get real!

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