
Shia Users: Is making an Idol of Hazrat Ali allowed in Shiism?

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Shia Users: Is making an Idol of Hazrat Ali allowed in Shiism?

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  1. No it's not allowed.

    Drawing pictures of him or any other imam is also not allowed.

  2. ya allah that is shirk, that is haram

  3. لا حول و لا قوة الا بالله

    La Hawla Wa La Quwata illa Billah

  4. It is not allowed in Islam!!

    As dawn said:

    لا حول و لا قوة الا بالله

    La Hawla Wa La Quwata illa Billah

  5. no. it is not allowed and considered a huge sin.

    yes i have seen those before and it is a sin to depict their images..

    ps: theyre not "idols" look up the definition on

  6. Islam doesnt allow us to have statues, photos, images, trinkets, etc of any prophet, saint, imam, etc.. and especially not God..

    We are not supposed to make any images of them.. its shirk.. associating partners with God...

    we arent even supposed to go around with images of God.. .like an old man with a long beard in white flowing robes.. ie: dumbledore, merlin, santa claus, (the recent Noahs ark movie and the Oh god movie where God is portrayed as a normal human man... Morgan Freeman).. This is sooooooooo wrong in Islam...  

  7. Yes, it is allowed in shais. However, this man looks like a persian.

  8. U're absolutely right, sis. That's idolatory. They're almost worshiping him!

    Yeah, I understand why Muhammad (P.B.U.H) forbade the drawings of living beings. That's how idol worship first began after Adam (A.S)'s death. Some great person died. The mourners made statues to keep him alive in the people's heart. They revered him excessively, and a time came when they began to pray to his statue in times of difficulty. And that was the beginning of it.

    Even in Muhammad (P.B.U.H)'s time, the Quraysh worshipped idols of famous people who died like Manat, Hubal, Lat, etc.

    Chrisrians makes portraits of Jesus (A.S) and worship him.

  9. No. Idolatry is Haram in Islam. How the h**l can u make someone your idol when you worship Allah alone? Don't try makin a fool of yourself by blamin pple for no reason and posting such questions. People have images in their mind, and it's ok to draw pictures/potraits of Imams as long as the respect is shown. have u ever seen a Shia (nauzobillah) bowing infront of any Imam's picture/portrait? ..I can guarantee u, u never did!

    These are not called idols...These are called Shabeehs! you'll find plenty of them in Iran and such places! long as the pictures are honored and dignified, they are ok. Obviously no1 has seen the Noorani Faces of the Imams but the artists have used their imaginations humbly in order to represent the looks of Imams.

  10. Its Haram in Islam.but In Shiaism It is Permissible.  

  11. wat invincible said  

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