
Shia and Sunni Muslims who like to argue, can you answer please?

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When you guys see a question about "whats the difference between shia and sunni?" or other questions that bash a certain do you know if the asker is a Muslim themselves? Why do you right away fall for that same old trap, and answer them with such lies and negative replies?

What if the asker is an anti-Islam and just loves to see us argue and insult each other?

Why cant we realise all we're doing is hurting ourselves?

Escpially in Ramadan, do youu know have any respect for the holiest month?

Do we not fear Allah?

Im asking a serious question, and i would like an answer THAT IS RELATED TO MY QUESTION, please, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT, and do not start bashing each a good Muslim and answer with repsect and diginity, dotn start making up lies!

Since im minutes away from iftaar, i do not want to get angry so do not post anything negative that will lead to my anger, since than it will be on ur behalf and ur sin....

Your thoughts please...




  1. I agree with you 100%!!!! i dont like when other muslims ask weather you are sunni or shia i simply reply i am a Muslim. I dont think there should be question of sunni or shia

  2. Nice try but will not work! we know your real face!

  3. Isn't it funny that your formally name was an insult to great sahabi Mua'awiya(RA) and you still talk about Islam ?

    what is the difference between you and other anti-islam huh?

    i find no difference just they Insult the prophet and you shias insult his wives and friends !

    BTW it's Y!A  questions and answers and if he is not Muslim it's good to clear the misconception of them that they think shias are Muslims  while shias are not !

    well look at this video Make for Example he is Anti-Islam

    and he brought a real shia Salat video

    you watch it here

    look he cut a Real Video  and it's a REAL shia belief and if you want me to bring it from your books and you scholars fatawis i will !

    but he said  that Shias and Sunni are sects of Islam !

    and this  WRONG  WRONG WRONG !

    this is his tactic to show that Islam is Not one religion and to show that Islam is opposite beliefs !

    he used Real information for shias hate for friends and wives of the prophet

    but he used the same propaganda of  shias are Muslims also !!

    this is making Islam bad and bad and bad !

    i can refute his Video with ONLY one REAL Word !

    Shiaism is Not Islam !

    and he can't speak after it !

    i write this in the original video of him and he cleared my comment and blocked me !

    yes he wants like most of Ignorant Muslims

    he wants to show that Islam is alot of beliefs which is opposite of each other

    now we know that Islam and deviant sects are opposite beliefs for sure and no one can deny it !

    but the bad when some one claim that the deviant sects are Islam !

    this destroy Islam !

    Shiaism suffism Harorryion  Qadiyanis Submitters are all Deviant sects NOT Islam !

    hope that helped

    and BTW the anti-islam wants to say that shias and sunnis are both Islam to show that Islam is bad

    so we have to show them the right and told them that Islam is ONE religion (QURAN+SUNNAH)  and shia is Not Islam !

    EDIT : when a Pig Insult  a great sahabi i will never forget him even he pretend to fine and show another face like Hypocrites !

    you guys changed Islam and insulting cursing and making takfir of friends and wives of the prophet and still calling yourselves a Muslims ?

    Iroinc isn't it !

    if every Muslim read about Islam they will know how devil is Shiaism deviant sect is !

    you can have an example  the sister Allah Almighty (a revert)

    she because she is reading on Islam she read about shiaism and she know the truth

    unlike so called Muslims who say yes shias are Muslims !!

    while the greatest Imams and scholars of Islam considered shias a deviant sect !

    and BTW i didn't bash shias

    i even didn't ask any question on them in Ramadan .but if i find they try to spread lies  then i will start ;-) and when i start i can't stop .

    so it's up to you  i don't want waste my time on deviant sects ..

    @ Shia OF Ali aka ftl

    this is what am talking about !

    Taqqiyah !

    Now do you want me to bring what do shias according to their greatest  scholars  and their majore book like bihar al anwar and al kafi on Muslims (or what you call them back says nasibis  nowdays wahabis?)

    lol ??

    "a dirty dogs and should be killed"  sure you read this before don't you ?

    that's even the ayatolla Shirazi of this age said it

    Khomeini said it a bit different but he also issued that as Muslim aka nasibis followers of Omar(Ra) and Abu Baker(ra)  and Uthman(rA) and Mua'awiya(RA) according to shiaism ?

    you want me ?

    BTW we are Following the prophet which his AHlul bayt followed him

    and his ahlulbayt  is his wives and his daughterS!

    do you follow the teaching of the prophet  his sunnah ?


    did the prophet told you to curse and insult his wives(ahlul bayt) and his friends(sahaba) day and night and even in your prayers ?

    I don't THINK SO !

    and if you want me to bring what shias say on AHlul sunnah from your books just ask!

    BTW  why do shias don't unite with Harorriyon why do you call them kafirs also and insulting them ?

    is it because they are like you a deviant sect who changed Ilsam like you

    or because they also insulting cursing the prophet's friends but they insult the ones you don't like Ali(ra) ?

    i want to know what do you think of Harorryion ?

  4. I'm not Muslim, but I also find it sad when people argue viciously about Shiites and Sunnis. They are both people! And there is nothing wrong with Islam! Most Muslims seem to be wonderful people, yet many non Muslims just have a prejudice that is completely untrue.

  5. nicely put pro active

    i was talking to my dad today....n we were discussing how both the sides(shia and sunni) have their evidences to prove themselves right....they both have their sets of histories that they believe to be right and accurate.....they both have their sets of evidences to back their belief up....and none of those evidences can be proven wrong.....none of those evidences can be proven to be 'wrong' or 'made up'.....therefore, there have never been nor will there ever be a point in arguing...because WE CAN NEVER convince each other of this being right and that being wrong.....WE CAN NEVER make each other believe in a certain belief that we think is the 'truth'......we are both right according to the evidences from history we have...

    so people that argue and try looking for the TRUTH(what a joke!) seem stupid and dumb to me.....really......

    as i said before....God knows how many non-muslims were considering islam but were put off by our behavior towards each other.....and God knows how many times we have fought because some non-muslim came up with a question to cause hatred in muslims of this section and muslims around the world....

    we really do need to grow up and drop these minor differences....


    ok now SERIOUSLY....the answer above me is so d**n know what?...i dont even have anything to say now....

  6. Well, if Shias stop bashing, insulting, accusing the wives and companions of Prophet Mohammad PBUH, most of the Muslims will stop asking such queations to Shias including me.

  7. oh wow...i like what you wrote! =]

  8. I don't know much about s**+'a Islam so I can't say much on the topic but their still Muslims right? We should show eachother more respect

  9. My thoughts: I think Inshallah the day when Imam Zamana, Muhammad Mehdi(af) is here, all our sufferings as fueds in so many sects would be over.

    We are not sure of the history we believe in, so we wait till the right person to come and give us the right history.

    Good to see this question.

    Lets pray Allah keep us safe from destruction by our own hands til the last guide from Him comes to lead us the Right way.

  10. awesome question

  11. aight. i agree. The fights shia and sunni are having is one of the major things that lowered the view people have on muslims.

    but i also agree with ninja. u should show that respect every month, other wise its hypocritical.... am i wrong?

    Salam and Allah-Yijzeek al-khair

  12. My thoughts:

    * I did not answer any questions and such

    Please can you ponder/reflect over this:

    Why should we just be good in Ramadan, it is far better if we strive once the month is over too.

  13. ...... the path of the Ahlul Bayt of The Messenger of Allah Muhammad (saww):

    Sayeda Fatima Al-Zahra the daughter of Muhammad (as)

    Imam Abul-Hasan Ali ibn e Abi Talib (al-Murtaza) (as)

    Imam Abu Muhammad al-Hassan (al Mujtaba) (as)

    Imam Abu Abdallah al-Hussain bin Ali (Sayyid al-Shuhada) (as)

    Imam Abu Muhammad Ali bin al-Hussain (Zainul-'Abideen) (as)

    Imam Abu Ja'far Muhammad bin Ali (al-Baqir) (as)

    Imam Abu Abdallah Ja'far bin Muhammad (al-Sadiq) (as)

    Imam Abu Ibrahim Musa bin Ja'far (al-Kazim) (as)

    Imam Abu al-Hasan Ali bin Musa (al-Reza) (as)

    Imam Abu Ja'far Muhammad bin Ali (Taqi al-Jawaad) (as)

    Imam Abul-Hasan Ali bin Muhammad al-Hadi al-Naqi(as)

    Imam Abu Muhammad al-Hasan bin Ali (al-Askari) (as)

    Imam Abul-Qasim Muhammad bin al-Hasan (al-Mahdi) (as)

    Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) says: "We are the remnant of progeny. And that was the prayer of Ibrahim (a.s.) regarding us."

    Shia Muslims treat others as we have been thought by Muhammad and his pure progeny.

  14. Discuss about shia sunni should not be something wrong, we all need to learn, it can strengthen our faith.

    Discussion is always ok, but bashing one and another is very bad and could be sin. I wish we could discuss in better manner.

    thanks for the reminders

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