
Shias, can a woman of Ahl-e-bay commit mutta?

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May Allah forgive me for this question. But this is still a valid question in shia's perspective




  1. Shias r enemy of all muslims ,but they just take the name of salafi

    they want to make fool  of All muslims

    Their Books  & ulma clearly said All muslims R kafir

    " Abu Bakr was kafir and who loves him too "( Shias book )

    this is shias believe but they decieve by saying "they r only against salafis"

    @Ali M so ignorant and fool that he blames SALAFI and as a proof he gives quote from HANAFI BOOKS ( dure mukhtar,Alamgeeri  etc)

    He acuses Salafi for some thing and gives quote from" Sahih Muslim", which is a respectfull book for all muslims

    Is he so ignorant and fool or he is making All muslim Fool.

    As long as their claim ,that fatimah (RA) was the only lady among AHL BAYT ,is so foolish and against the facts.

  2. yeah its valid to offend the Prophets family by calling them Ahl-e-bay

    listen u dirty wahabi and listen good, u thick headed tards can think whatever u like, u can accuse us of whatever u like, u can fool some people here with ur dirty fitna, but u cant fool Allah, on some questions u thick headed idiots act so pious, than on other ones u spread hate and arguements between Muslims

    i swear by Allah u guys are nothing but 2 faced cowards with no love to the prophet or his family, and this is just a couple of days away from Ramadan and u fitna lovers cant shut up, all this c**p is controlling and u cant stop, ur addicted

    lets make something clear here, f*ck Muawayia, and f*ck Yazid, go suck on those 2 kaffirs d*cks for all i care, who will u defend next? Hitler? Stalin? Pharoh? Saddam? who??

    where are you guys when questions like this get asked? where are you to defend Islam? or do you love all this fighting between each other?;...;...;...;...;...

    this is all from ONE day, where are you to show the world what Islam is really about?

    inshallah Allah will serve justice on all you of liars and cowards

  3. May Allah curse you..

    Are you targetting Daughter of Prophet Bibi fatima..?

    She was the only woman i ahly bayt...

    its not your fault coz  your the follower of omar and abu baker..

    May Allah curse those who martyerd bibi Fatima and thier nasty wahabies lanaty Followers

    Are you a muslim

    A dog is better than You...


    Right now your abuseing the Prophets family,,

    Do you know the way or the rule of asking ?

    Or doing  copy paste?

  4. Why are the Shee'ah rawaafidh evading the question?

    It's a simple question, do you believe it permissible for Ahlul Bayt to practice Mut'ah considering that the Rawaafidh hold Mut'ah to be permissible?

    As Ahlus Sunnah, we believe Mut'ah to be Haraam completely based on the final ruling of the Prophet salallaahu alihi wa salam reported by Imaam Muslim in his Saheeh, no. 1406:

    وحدثنا أبو بكر بن أبي شيبة. حدثنا ابن علية عن معمر، عن الزهري، عن الربيع بن سبرة، عن أبيه؛ أن رسول الله نهى عن متعة النساء يوم الفتح  

    ((And Aboo Bakr bin Abee Shaybah narrated to us that Ibn 'Aliyyah narrated to us from Mu'ammar from az-Zuhree from ar-Rabee' bin Sabrah from his father that the Messenger of Allaah prohibited Mut'ah with the women Yawm al-Fath (the day of opening of Makkah)))

    So this was the final ruling of the Messenger salalalahu alaihi wa salam. The Rawaafidh will bring previous rulings when Mut'ah was made permissible but hide the dates. This is why some of the salaf used to say that when the liars were speaking with Hadeeth they would use the dates against them.

    Even some of the Rawaafidh report it's prohibition:

    روى أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى في نوادره و ابن إدريس في سرائره عن ابن أبي عمير عن هشام بن الحكم عن أبي عبد الله في المتعة قال: ما يفعله عندنا إلا الفواجر

    ((Ahmad bin Muhammad bin 'Eesaa reported in his Nawaadir and Ibn Idrees in his Saraa'ir from ibn Abee 'Umayr from Hishaam bin al-Hakamm from Abee Abdillaah (this is Ja'far as Saadiq) about Mut'ah and he said: It's not done with us except by the Fujjaar (transgressors and criminals)))

    Reported in Saraa'ir of Ibn Idrees on page 483 and Al-Wasaa'il on page 456 of volume 14 and Bihaar al Anwaar of al-Majlisee 100/318

    Al-Kulaynee also said in his Kaafi:

    عن عمار قال: قال أبو عبد الله (ع) لي و لسليمان بن خالد: قد حرمت عليكما المتعة

    ((Ammaar reported: Aboo Abdillaah said to me and to Sulaymaan bin Khaaled: Mut'ah is prohibited for you))

    And one fellow said that the only woman from Ahlul Bayt is Faatimah bint Muhammad Radhiallaahu anhaa!?

    How is that possible? What about the other daughters of the Prophet salallaahu alaihi wa salam? Were they not from his household?

    They'll bring up the issue of the Mubaahala, but then all the other daughters died before the Mubahalah which occurred in 9H as Ibn Katheer reported. So why are they not included?

    So their specification of Faatimah is unjust and illogical. If you say the "Daughters are Ahlul Bayt" then what about the other daughters? Or is it that the Rawaafidh don't like who their husbands were?

    What about Ja'far bin Abee Taalib? The Brother of 'Alee bin Abee Taalib? Or al-Abbaas his uncle? Or Abdullaah ibn 'Abbaas radhiallaahu anhumaa? They are all related to the Prophet salallaahu aliahi wa salam?

    Our 'Aqeedah states that the wives are also Ahlul Bayt as in the Hadeeth of Zayd bin Arqaam where he said: "The wives are from Ahlul Bayt" in one of the narrations of Muslim in his Saheeh.

    So the Rawaafidh keep running to "Sunni sources" but they ignore much of it which refutes them. Because they know we don't take from their books as we consider them liars. So they try deceive by quoting parts of our books and ignoring the others which refute them.

    Then the Raafidhee quotes something from "Qaadhi Khaan" and claims this is the belief of the "Salafis" but who is Qaadhi Khaan? A Soofee, not salafee. A cousin of the Shee'ah.

    And then he quotes Dur al Mukhtaar which is a book of the Ahnaaf but provides no verification in the quote, just a blind copy paste from the liars at answering answer. They post scans without even reading them thinking that people will not actually be concerned about verifying the content, they'll see that it exists and judge it as such.

    Then why don't they comment about the Rawaafidh books that state that the Prophet salallaahu alaihi wa salam used to hold the backside of Faatimah and place his face between her b*****s. (A'oodhubillaah min hadhil kalaam):

    “It was narrated that [Imam] Jafar Ibn Muhamad said: The Prophet Muhammad used to put his face between the b*****s of [his daughter] Fatima before going to sleep” (Bihaar al-Anwar, vol.23, p.78)

    And the following statement: "Ha! Now what sucker!" Shows a weakness in the debate position of the person who said it. It's a flaw in a persons argument that they resort to a "what now!" or "Hah!" type of speech.

    Then the same person who calls for "unity" with Ahlus Sunnah curses Mu'aawiyyah radhiallaahu anhu. How can any sunni unite with a person who curses this noble Sahaabi?

    Sufyaan bin ‘Uyaynah said to a man:

    مِنْ أَيْنَ جِئْتَ قَالَ: مِنْ جَنَازَةِ فُلَانِ بْنِ فُلَانٍ قَالَ: لَا حَدَّثْتُكَ بِحَدِيثٍ اِسْتَغْفِرْ اَللَّهَ وَلَا تَعُدْ, نَظَرْتُ إِلَى رَجُلٍ يُبْغِضُ أَصْحَابَ رَسُولِ اَللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم فَاتَّبَعْتُ جِنَازَتَهُ.

    ((”From where did you come?” He said: “From the funeral of so-and-so son of so-and-so” He said: “I will not narrate to you with Hadeeth, I seek forgiveness of Allaah! You looked to a man who hated the companions of the Messenger of Allaah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and you then followed his funeral.))

    And this narration of our Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) which is reported by Imaam al-Bukhaaree in his Saheeh Imaam Muslim in his Saheeh (2/Number 1370):

    فمن أحدث فيها حدثا أو آوى محدثا فعليه لعنة الله والملائكة والناس أجمعين

    ((Whoever innovates or accommodates an innovator then upon him is the curse of Allaah, His Angels and the whole of mankind.))

  5. Good question.

    Hope some shia'a (with a bit of anger control) comes along to answer it. The ones here seem too emotional to do anything, but use abusive language.

  6. Can you sink any lower.

    Ramadan Karim may Allah guide us all on the path of Muhammad and the progney of Muhammad peace and blessing be upon them all

  7. Wow, as a non-Muslim I'm surprised by the measures Muslims take in order to bash each other. Even abuse their own religion to hate. I bet you're a "Wahhabi".

    Well, I know quite a bit; apparently the prophet himself married many temporarily and I'm sure his companions practised the temporary marriage. If it is allowed for  them, why not for his own family? He also married his adopted child's divorcee. So I guess, something that is allowed is allowed for all, right?

    Is it halal for ahle-eBay to marry their step-father in law? Gross, yet allowed.

    Muslims believe in a narrative: Aysha, the child-wife of the prophet, breast-fed a man in order to make him "mahram" to her. Can it GET more bizarre than this? Is "temporary marriage" really worse than this?

    Ed> And I gave you a simple example to make it clear:

    That's like asking: Is it allowed for the family of the prophet to marry their step-father in law? If it is allowed for the prophet to do it, why not for his family?

    In the case of temporary marriage: If it is allowed for his companions to do it, why not for his family?

  8. If they really Care about ahle-E-bayt, they would listen to Ali(ra)!!

    Ali ibn Abi Talib رضی الله عنه reports that the Prophet Muhammad صلی الله عليه وسلم on the occasion of the battle of Khyber prohibited Muta with women and from (eating) the meat of domestic donkeys.

    Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim!!

    brother just hope that they answer in a polite way!!

  9. SHIA'S ARE NOT MUSLIMS... ( their answers proving it again......)




  10. I think it's time to turn away from this section and never return. You people are ridiculous. And you're totally ruining the image of the good Muslims out here. What's with all the swearing anyway?

    Oh and 'The Wise One' the accounts you mention are not found in saheeh hadith. And in saheeh hadith, the isnad has to be accurate

  11. its like what the wise one has said.

    and i dont like the way you think. SCUM

    and tell  me. have you ever heard of a shia doing mutah, a serious muta, i havent, & all my family is shia, imam ali himself discouraged muta, you think we dont know that, but he didnt ban forever it so the possiblity is there, where you want to act apon it or not is upto you. you dont need to get all haram halla about everything, there are some thing which are allowed but arent socially prudent, muta is one of them.

    you need to think less like a simpleton and more like a grown up

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