
Shielding tips in brawl?

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I just got Wi-Fi on super smash bros brawl, but i sucked because it isn't an instinct for me to shield/dodge. any tips for a newbie?




  1. if you know how to do normal shield than with it if you do left or right it is roll if you do down with it than that's a sidestep. wave dash by doing it with left and down or right and down while clicking shield really fast (that doesn't shield you but it makes you go faster) (don't worry i can't wave dash). For an air dash use shield in midair

  2. The best solution is just to practice until it becomes instinct for you.  Some advise, practice fighting computers.  When I got melee, I was absolutely horrible and didn't even know roll dodging existed.  Then for several months, all I did was fight random level 9 computers.  The difficulty made me learn new moves and combos, but I also learned moves from them (roll dodging).  Now, level 9s in melee are just too easy for me.  It just takes practice.  And it wont happen overnight (it took me several months for brawl).  Once you are comfortable with your playing style, fight other people (not online though b/c of lag) for a while.  Usually people develop patterns in the way they fight.  When you play against other humans, they learn to recognize these and then its easier for them to beat you since you'll play predictably (I used to always roll-dodge into attacks since my opponents knew I would and didn't chase after me).  This kinda forces you to learn how to play instinctively spur the moment.  Wi-fi is not a good option for practice since you will get a lot of lag.  I know that was a lot, but remember: it just takes practice.  It took me three years to finally be able to do perfect shielding often in a match.  Hope that helps!

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