
Shih Tzu Health Question: Does she just have the flu?Anyone who specializes in animals, please answer.?

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I have a Shih Tzu who is eight years old. Yesterday, my daugther noticed that while the dog was sleeping, she would shake as if she were cold and her nose wouldn't be that moisten; which is suppose to mean something is wrong. Generally she is very hyper and happy. Today when I came from work, I noticed that Angelica(thats her name) was warmer than normal and she's kind of sad and lazy. She doesn't want to eat and only drinks water. I heard that I can give her tylenol; now if that is true, about how many.

Besides calling the vet (because I'm doing that tomorrow), does anyone have any suggestions?




  1. What worries me here is that you say 'she would shake as if she were cold' (which might be a sign for high potassium).

      When you take you dog to the vet tomorrow, please make sure you mention that and please ask for a blood test, in particular checking Electrolytes - that is Sodium (Na) and Potassium (K).  Low Sodium and high Potassium could be an indication for Addison's disease. The symptoms you mention (lethargy, refusing food and shivering) could be early warning signs.  This condition is also known as "the great pretender"  because it mimics so many other conditions. Another 'tell-tale-sign' for this illness are waxing and waning symptoms.

    Please do not give any medication without a vets say-so and the most important thing is to keep your dog hydrated.


  2. NO Tylenol,it is bad for the liver.You can give her a 1/4 of an aspirin ( buffered if you have it) until you get her to the vet,but nothing else.Offer her something bland,like boiled chicken or hamburger and cooked white rice.But NO Tylenol.

  3. probaly has the flu since her nose is dry....i have a shih tzu too.

    when mine is sick i feed him chicken rice and carrots.

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