
Shiloh Fulton sold his house in Lexington for 4.5 Million Dollars???

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Well of course we would all dream to live in that house however only some rich people can buy it. i was just wondering if this was true or not though and shiloh fulton isn't exactly famous he just dates famous people he is a model for Dolce & Gabbbana And well he's very pretty. Does anyone happen to have him on Yahoo! or myspace? because I Would really like to have him on either of them.

he has been on T.V. a couple of times i just dont know how much though i Don't see him on there much.

anyway please help me with the question peace out!




  1. well i lovee shiloh. he is his own person& thats great maybe if people needs to stop worryin bout him & start on their own lifes... you guys sound like nothing but dicks. & the only people that thinks its funny is the people who writes it&there dumb a*s friends which i say most people truely dont give a s**t about anyways. its funny how er' body so in to shiloh. he prob does what he does cause everyones apparently so concerned about him. so maybe you guys are really the stupid a*s'. if ya dont care bout him, dont like him.... whatever. then stop searchin his name on google....

  2. I am one of shilo's old girlfriends and he does not live in paris, or hollywood he lives in Jackhorn Kentucky in a trailer, he tells people he has a huge house and fancy car's but thats all bullshit. He dont even drive, ive seen his dad drive some piece of s**t car and he take's pictures at his Aunts house to look rich. He went to Fleming-Neon Elementry school and he now go's to LCCHS. He has a really small d**k but huge a*s balls they look like an old pancake. He has a ingrown toenail fettish to he use to l**k mine all the time at school. When i dated him he wore to much colougne and he says he was in a bunch of movies but thats a big bunch of bullshit he has never even been on the school channel. Oh yeah his d**k looks like a worm that has been in the sun to long! He loves to paint his nails and shave his armpits to trust me folks he is trapped in his own little world someone help him.

  3. Shiloh is a liar! and doesnt date celebritys! he lives in a freakin trailer in whitesburg kentucky. Never has he been on t.v and he dosent model.
    hes a liar. you people are just idiots.

  4. Okay Shiloh Fulton is not Famous. He has never lived in France. He was born in Kentucky. He has lived in Kentucky his whole life. He went to Fleming Neon Elementary & now he goes to Letcher Central High School. There nothing special about him. & he has never been on TV!

  5. i really dont know the answer about his house......but i do know shiloh....belive it or not but he goes to my school at letcher county central in whitesburg kentucky.....and hes on my myspace.....go to

  6. Actually Shiloh has a facebook and myspace and loves getting new freinds on eith one of them he is actually a cool guy so just look up Shiloh Fulton Or Shiloh Von wallas fulton and you should find him

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