I am just recovering from shingles (almost a month) that affected my right, lower leg. And the other day, I notice few blisters forming on my upper lip. Today, my mom told me it's "fever blisters," and bought me Abreva. My question is why is this happening to me??? Is it related to shingles or is it just bad luck? Funny thing is I'm scared of STDs, which is why I don't have s*x and I don't even kiss anyone (I'm 30 btw)! And now all this "herpes" business going on got me scared... anyway, sorry for the rant.
My question concerns recurrence of shingles and fever blisters. I browsed for info., and supposedly once I am infected, I am now susceptible to fever blisters on my lip and even shingles... is this true?
And if it is, and I get them again in the future, will I get them in the same places? That is, on my lower right leg for shingles, and if I get fever blisters again, on my upper lip? Or can it occur in different places?
Is it really proven that it's related to a weak immune system (even though I'm drinking vitamins PLUS vit. C supplement daily) or stress (I've been studying for an exam for a few months now) or my eating habits (I'm underweight and eat mostly frozen/microwaveable dinners)??
How did I get fever blisters/herpes simplex on the lip?? I don't go out in the sun, or make out with anyone. All I remembered was watching a movie in the theater (I touched the arm seat I guess, and maybe accidentally touched my upper lip). How do you get them? Does it have anything to do with hygiene (I sometimes just take a shower every other day or toothbrush once a day if I'm lazy)? Or is it hereditary? My mom said she had them before.
I'd really appreciate it if someone answer all my questions (pref. someone with medical knowledge or who has gone through this before... pls do not just cut and paste)
Sorry for writing long, I just feel depressed now... anyway, thanks in advance.