
Shins hurt BADLY at night?

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My shins have been hurting at night. around this time (11:00) every few days. The pain doesn't go away until I go to bed and wake up. It gets worse though.

i don't think this is shin splints because it would have went away by now, and this has lasted a while, plus it wouldn't just be at night.

They hurt really really bad. In both legs.

So what could this be?




  1. Used to happen to me as a teenager. Simply coat them with rubbing alcohol and massage gently.

  2. You really need to get this checked by a doctor.  You may be having problems with the vessels in your legs and they are hurting until you go to bed because of poor circulation.  When you go to bed your legs are elevated to some degree and the circulation in them is improved so the ache goes away.

  3. if you wear really flat shoes, that'll put strain on your muscles there and REALLY cause sum pain!

  4. restless legs? shin splits? clots?

  5. Painful shins at night can be a result of several things.

    Most commonly this is a result of muscle faitgue and damage which was caused during the day. When you are resting and sleeping at night, this is when the inflammatory response really kicks in and can be quite painful if you have a chronic problem.  The pain you are experiencing would be most likely due to muscle overuse and fatigue.

    Look up some conditions such as tibial periostitis, medial tibial stress syndrom or shin splints. See if any of these conditions match your symptoms.

    Do you work on feet all day? Play much sport or exercise? Overweight? Wear poor quality shoes? Have rolled in feet with no arches?

    All these could be a reason for why you are getting this pain in your legs. If you cant pin point the reason for your pain, you need to go see a podiatrist, physiotherapist or your doctor. You can try anti-inflammatory medications for pain relief and help you sleep (I would advise to consult with your pharmacist first before doing so).



  6. I'd say it just growing pains. I used to get it a lot when I was in high school and still maturing. Was tough to sleep sometimes, but it just mean's you're not done getting taller!

  7. My youngest son had severe leg pains when he was younger.  You did not say how old you are.  It could be growing pains; growth can continue in spurts into your 20's regardless of the standard assumptions (They said I was done at 13 but I grew in spurts until I was 24 years old).  It could also be something more severe causing it.  You really should talk to a doctor and let them check the status of your bones (growth stage) as well as your muscle and tendon structure.  Part of his trouble was actually being caused by short tendons.  The doctors have simple ways to remedy the problems as long as they determine them early.  If you need treatment/therapy to correct a problem and wait too long, the treatments aren't so easy or pleasant.  Better safe than sorry.

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