
Shipping Help!!?

by  |  earlier

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I ordered some dog clothes on ebay on Saturday the 5th. I have a flight tommorow earley morning witch is the 10th. I havent gotten the item yet but really need it on the trip. the seller me a message asking if i wanted size small i didnt respond until yesterday saying that was correct. She sent bact on the 8th that they already shipped. Do you think that I will get them today? Thanks soo much!!




  1. dont know,i dont trust ebay,i heard to many stories.watched one episode of judge judy and someone bought a hot wheels that was supposed to be pink that glowed and the seller really just painted a green car and tried to pass it off as orignal.think she may have ripped you off

  2. you prob won't, they usually don't use the fastest shipping and don't ever rush to ship it to you, if they asked you a question about the shipment they didn't ship it til you answered

  3. probably not dont use ups

  4. never trust e-bay shoppers my friend bought a guitar and this guy in Kansas was like pranking her and said he was in japan or some thing

  5. Actually it would help out a lot of if you would tell where you're from and the seller from.

    I mean if the seller is across the world from the US, than no.

    It's going to take atleast 3 weeks atleast.

    &if it's around the US, you might have to give it a week the most-ish.

  6. Probably not, I ordered a book online and it was suppose to come within a week. It came a month later...

  7.'s probably a bit too late...sorry
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