
Shipping Number looks Like this?

by Guest66883  |  earlier

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I ordered an item from a supplier in Laval, PQHG72E7. He was suppose to ship it UPS so I could track it. He shipped it Postal Service. The numbers have been changed for security They look like this.


What is this? Is this a tracking #? I cannot get any information as to what this is.




  1. I'm not sure what this number is, but it's probably not a tracking number.  Try the Canada Post website.

  2. How did he ship it? Go to the companies website and try typing it in when it asks for the tracking number and see if the package shows up.

  3. For most tracking numbers, if you just type them in to Google or Yahoo search, it will give you a link to the company's tracking information for whatever kind of number it is. It's worth a shot.

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