
Shipping from Chicago to Israel?

by  |  earlier

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I am sending a pack of six stainless steel coasters (small box) to Israel for an ebayer and was wondering what ballpark I would be in price-wise for airmail? Around $20, or more? Thanks




  1. It will cost you more than $20. Perhaps, between $25-$35.

  2. Got to the United States Post Office site.  All you will need to determine the actual cost are the addresses and the weight.  It will give you the prices for all types of shipping available to you. You will have to fill out international customs forms too.

  3. Probably more

    I've sent a medium size box, that was kind of heavy and it cost me almost 200 dollars - the only option is air mail which is very expensive(it's stupid, blame it on US post office)

    my suggestion is - don't fill out the costumes stuff and just take it out of the box, take off the tags - anything the might make it look like it's new (unless it isn't anyway) - check it under personal and hope that costumes don't take it in (if you fill out the costumes part they'll make the buyer pay extra to get it)

    Just don't state that it's something that you've sold for someone

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