
Shoes hanging on a electrical line?

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Do you know what this means? I always wondered but noone had an answer for me. Mostly in the street you see sneakers hanging from an elctrical wire. Can you please explain to me what this means? Thank you.




  1. its a gang sign

  2. It means a gang has been there, or done something close by.  

  3. I have heard from my aunt who lived in San Fransico that it meant that some one was murdered in that particular spot and who ever the criminal is they take off the victims shoe and throw the shoe so it hangs on the electrical line.  

  4. i don't really know, but maybe it was some kids playing around and they through it up there

  5. This is a mean trick that kids play on another kid.

    they take his shoes tie the strings together and throw them across the power lines.

  6. some poor kid got bullied & lost his sketchers!

  7. means there is a crack house close

  8. Nothing to do with drugs or murder.  It's just people being silly.

  9. tells users they can buy drugs in that neighborhood

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