
Shold I take an hpt or not? help me plz.?

by  |  earlier

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i am almost positive i might be pregnant, I am TTC. I am not on BC of any kind, and had a miscarriage last month, and ended up having a D&C on June 5th. My last period was on June 30th. I ovulated around July 18th. I spotted the 25,26, and 27 only once when i wiped each day. I am starting to take notice to some strange symptoms such as... the side of each of my b***s hurt when pushed a little, i think i urinate a little more, i am so constipated again, and i feel a little more tired, but i have a hard time sleeping. I also am feeling light pinching feeling in my abdominal area. My period isn't due till the 31st of this month, but i would like to test soon. I am always a few days late on my period. I think I am about 10 DPO, Is it still to early? I have two tests. Does this sound promising to you?




  1. You stated that you had a miscarriage and D&C in June. Are you still under a doctor's care? Are you having your hormone levels checked from the miscarriage? It takes a while for the body to return to normal afterwards. I recently ( June) experienced the same thing and I had to have blood drawn every week sometimes twice to check my levels before they returned to 0 hormones. Maybe what you are testing Positive for are the hormones from the last pregnancy.

  2. yes you can test now with an early result test, it may be very faint still or may not show up so test a few days after missed period aswell

  3. yes you can try a test now, but if it comes back negative don't get too discouraged and just wait until your period is late before testing again....good luck!!

  4. You could try a test, but if it comes bask negative, try again in a few days.

  5. You could try now, and if it is negative, try again in about a week.

  6. if u dont get ur period this month take a test

  7. You can buy early response HPT and they are more sensitive.  You can test I think 5 days before your actually due.

    Good Luck!

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