i am almost positive i might be pregnant, I am TTC. I am not on BC of any kind, and had a miscarriage last month, and ended up having a D&C on June 5th. My last period was on June 30th. I ovulated around July 18th. I spotted the 25,26, and 27 only once when i wiped each day. I am starting to take notice to some strange symptoms such as... the side of each of my b***s hurt when pushed a little, i think i urinate a little more, i am so constipated again, and i feel a little more tired, but i have a hard time sleeping. I also am feeling light pinching feeling in my abdominal area. My period isn't due till the 31st of this month, but i would like to test soon. I am always a few days late on my period. I think I am about 10 DPO, Is it still to early? I have two tests. Does this sound promising to you?