
Shoot first ask questions later?

by  |  earlier

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Here in FL we have a law, if someone is trespassing on your property your can shoot to kill, it a moral issue for some to react before asking what they are doing there. But what would you do?

I woke up @ 3 am after hearing the dogs bark, three men jumped the back fence and were walking to our house, I went out with 12 Gauge and shot the ground and they ran. A week later they came back, were feeding our dogs and were walking towards the house to kill,rob who knows..3 am again.. I went out and said leave now, turn around and they kept walking towards house...and I unloaded weapon right @ them and they never came back.. would you have shot earlier? Should i have had a handgun instead? I'm so tired of the idiots trying to rob us.. Let me know what your would do.




  1. hey you answered your question your self "SHOOT FIRST ASK QUESTIONS LATER!"

    you might want to go out and but a 9mm or a .45 that may be a little big.defend your self

  2. I would call the cops! Don't take a chance with people acting like that. Obviously there's some reason they're trying to break into your house. You need protection. That being said, I would have a hard time shooting someone, but if it came down to having to do so to protect myself, I would go right ahead.

  3. that would be such a scary situation!!! its so hard to answer because i think if you feel your in danger you act in a different way!!! i dont know if i could ever shoot someone, but if its to protect myself or my family then i would do anything to protect my loved ones! have you called the cops?

    i'd call the cops...and if they wont do anything then set up security all around your house..otherwise just move to be safe!!

  4. I live in Canada and that really isn't an issue here. However, I think I'd move to aother community.

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