
Shop to the police?

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A close friend of mine's husband has been bailed for a month on investigations of child p**n. He was interviewed over pics he had on his PC and was shown to have some of the worst sort of pics on there.

My friend has said that her husband has admitted to trading child p**n about 5 years ago from his email account, which he still uses. He had gone through a period of about 3 days where he was trading images for ones of women over the age of 16.

The husband has said he knew what he did was wrong and has been ashamed of it since. He said he had s*x addiction and went through a time over trying to get a harder fix. He got help for the s*x addiction, split with ex-wife and then married my friend 3 years later.

Everything has been ok since, but he had his discs, mobile and PC taken in a raid in May. The dics were ones he used to back up from his old PC and this included some of the pics he traded.

My friend is going to the police today, but what would you do if you were her?




  1. She can't know if he's telling her the truth about how long ago he traded the images. There's a very good chance he didn't stop. That business about just trading child p**n for p**n featuring older kids is bull***t. That's not how these guys network. You can't just go to and start collecting. He made an effort to get the hard kiddie p**n first. The police didn't just happen to go door to door asking to check for child p**n. They were there for a reason. It's possible it's from his old trades they found on another  computer, but it's more often recent exchanges. The stakes are too high. Not uncommonly, it's ten years federal (and pretty much forget parole from federal), and just because it's the local police right now doesn't mean it won't be federal before it's over. And if she has kids at home, she's going to get to know CPS real well, and he'll almost certainly be forced to move out.  

    She's in a tough spot. If what he told her is what he told the police, she won't adding anything new. He's already confessed. She will, however, be confirming what they pretty much already guess, that she's not involved in the trading.

  2. It would be a difficult decision for anybody as far as asking "what would you do!"

    Even though such a long time has elapsed the fact remains that he was still in possession of the child pornography which is illegal.

    With modern technology as it is is very easy to retrieve the information from the PC and as such...the friends husband is going to have a difficult time with his defense!

    Courts frown deeply upon child pornography cases because somewhere a child is being abused for those pictures.

    My suggestion for her is to be prepared for a very stern sentence from the court. Hopefully, the husband will have a good defense attorney representing him!

  3. I would leave his sorry *** and try to forget about the last three years and move on.

  4. I would totally Go to the police.  Where there is one rat, there are thousands!

    I would give you a source, but I would never even think of googling this subject on my computer.
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