
Shoplifters handcuffs?

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Do you think using handcuffs on shoplifters might be a bad idea...because most shoplifters are calm, and submissive, untill the handcuffs come out, then he or she starts to panic and fight? Do you think if ytou didnt cuff at all, less people would fight?




  1. If they are going in the back of my car they are going to be cuffed and searched, I don't care what their demeanor is.  At the end of my shift I am going home.  I can't begin to count the number of "cooperative" people whom I've cuffed (some whom resisted) and when I searched them found weapons.

  2. Was only a couple of weeks ago in Oxford street when 2 security guards were knifed from shoplifters. One was caught other used a knife and escaped. I would have no hesitation of using taser on them and then handcuffs just to make sure. We used to be a nation of people who respected law and the police but now anything goes.

  3. If I were a policeman I would want to be sure that anyone I arrested did not have any advantage that they could use. I would handcuff them. Most police departments have rules pertaining to the use of handcuffs. It is better to be safe than sorry. Shoplifting is a crime. Criminals should wear the appropriate attire. Put the cuffs on them Danno.

  4. Most shoplifters are not cuffed until they try to get away.

  5. i have always thought that EVERYONE should be handcuffed when apprehended for shoplifting, because u never know who the person is or what they have on them.....

    the cuffs can always be removed later once u have them in a controlled environment and know that they have no weapons

  6. wheres the fun in that?

  7. if someone is arrested they are cuffed.  it is department SOP in most cases and also good officer safety practices.  the offense makes no difference weather or not the cuffs are put on.

  8. I do not think that pandering to criminals in any way shape or form is ever a good thing.

    Cuff em.

    It keeps them under control, protects the peace officers and also helps to establish some mental things for the criminal.

    Yes shoplifters are criminals.
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