
Shoplifting help in Michigan?

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Ok I stole from my local grocery store like 12 days ago. I've been in it since because it's the only one around. I stole some lunch meat from the deli worth less than $3. Do you think I'll get caught still or would I have been caught by now? I'm 20 and I live in Michigan. Plz. only answer if you really know what your talking about.




  1. It sounds to me like you may have a guilty conscience.  Go back to the store ask to speak to the manager.  Beg his forgiveness and pay for what you stole.  He probably will not press charges and  you will sleep better at night knowing you did the right thing.  Learn your lesson from it and be a better person for it.    If for some reason the manager decides to press charges (and I don't see him doing it)  You will probably have to pay a small fine and you can even make payments on that.  But it is worth it to have a clear conscience.

  2. ummm they would have gotten you by now bt be careful cuz some stores now get  a look at your and want to compile a list and eveidence so is better fromt them to get the most justice they can .... and $3 meat every visitt after a couple a months can become just the amount they nee to arrest you and that $3 meat becomes 1500 fine and 300 a month for probation... n your 20 just buy the meat cuz i got caught as a minor so i would imagine worse will happen to you...i live in NY

  3. Someone would have definitely approached you by now.  You're probably fine.  Just don't do it again.

  4. I am telling you, from personal experience with the criminal justice system in this state (Michigan), you have not been caught, if they caught you, you would have been arrested.  If they didn't know who it was, the next time you entered that store they would have for sure called the police while you where there.  They have had plenty of time to contact you or do something, at this point, it would be too late.  Lets say, for some weird reason, they did wait to charge you, they would have no proof.

  5. First things first, your naughty! Lol. Don't sweat it they have bigger fish to fry. You will not get caught and you can go back there if you want to.

  6. i think by now you would have been caught...of course hey could have you on video and be waiting for you to come back in...i dont know, just dont steal anymore dont risk it...but i think your okay, its not something they will miss!

  7. They are not on to you.

    Get some more stuff!

    Shoplifting stretches your food dollar!

  8. No they would of caught you by now. most places that don't have security personal but have cameras dont check them unless they know something is missing like large amounts of products or money. so your fine.

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