
Shopping for a diamond engagement ring in buenos aires?

by Guest65259  |  earlier

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does anyone know if buenos aires is a good city to shop for an engagement ring (quality and price compared to US markets or Brazil)? if so, any recommendations for places or areas?





  1. Diamonds are definitely cheaper in Brazil, Argentina also has great diamonds but they are more expensive, most Argentinians go shopping in Brazil, as their economy is worse than Brazil's...Gold, Diamonds and precious Gems are always cheaper in Brazil...Good Luck.

  2. The best place in BA for jewlery is called Or.

    It is located in the corner of Figueroa Alcorta Avenue and Tagle Street.

  3. You can get one on ebay 50% cheaper than the stores. here's a direct link

  4. If you want a $100 ring as one aswerer says, YES.  If you want a $3,000 ring, NO.  Argentines buy mostly gold bands only.  Most women don't want $100 rings from what I hear.

  5. I would think it might be cheaper than in the states.  I hear Brazil has beautiful diamonds

  6. Hi, as everything in Buenos Aires, there is a district where everything is nearby.  Go to Libertad St between Mitre and Corrientes.  In those three blocks you haveat least a hundred stores where you can get a very nice rock for your lady.

  7. I never heard of anybody buying diamonds in Buenos Aires.  In Brazil yes.

  8. Hi! My wife was born and raised a 50 minute train trip from buenos aires.  She said rings in her city, San Miguel, are much cheaper than here in the states.   She says you can get a great ring for 300 pesos there.   Since our dollar is now about triple the price of a peso, that ring would be 100 dollars.  The train station is called federico lacrose.  You take a train there all the way to the end the stop is called gereral lemon and its near san miguel.  I am sure bueos aires also has cheap quality rings too, but I dont know if they are cheaper than Brasil.

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