
Shopping green, getting an air conditioner?

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my mom decided to get a new AC despite my loud protests. the only thing i can do now is make sure we at least get the greenest AC i can find.

can any one please advice me on green companies and green models.

BTW take into account that i live in israel so some companies that sale in the us may not sale here

thanks to all that will answer my question.





  1. be thankful that you're not going to be miserably hot indoors anymore.

  2. I know that a lot of people in Israel have solar hot water, do you ?  May if not, your mom could get this to off set the energy used in the AC.  There is swamp type AC that use water to cool, works best in hot dry climates, like you have.

  3. Best one is a fan (while sitting under a shade tree).

  4. Greener Choices, run by Consumer Reports, has a couple of suggestions.  Depending on the age of your current air conditioner you can get a much more efficient, energy saving air conditioner which would help the environment.

    Other suggestions while doing this is to check your duct work in the attic to ensure that there are no leaks or that it is not disconnected.  That would waste the air you are cooling.

    You can also have her get a digital thermostat so you can program your central heat and air to not cool / heat the house when you are gone.  Instead It can turn on a half hour before you get there which would save energy and money.

    I do not know of the eco-labels available in Israel but there are several non-United States once listed at this site including Germany's Blue Angel, Nordic Swan, and EU's Eco Flower.


    Good luck finding the most energy efficient model and remember that you do not need to cool / heat a home when you are not there.

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