
Shopping in Canada?

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Im going Canada next month and would like to know if there is any nice shops that does have a web site to look at before doing some shopping over there. I'm really excited about shopping in Canada and asume it should be cheaper than Europe, what do you think??




  1. Yes, it will be cheaper than Europe. For us to advise you about where to go or websites we would need to know what types of things you are shopping for and what part of Canada you are going to. Here is an important tip: Canadians have to pay the GST (Goods and Services Tax) on purchases but visitors can be reimbursed. So save all your receipts and when you leave the country you fill in a little form and give a cashier the receipts and they will refund you all the GST you paid throughout your trip. Look for the booth at the airport! This will help you save even more money! Have a great time!

  2. Where in Canada are you going?

    In Canada we are a lot of malls so be sure to check those out and if you are looking for cheap clothes look out for stores like:

    Old Navy

    Suzy Sheir

    Blue Notes



    Other stores that are good are

    Walmart ( they have some clothes)

    American Eagle

    Abercrombie & Fitch

    Banana Republic

    Below The Belt


    Claire (they have jewelry)


    and many more depending on where you are going

    edit: And yes it would be cheaper cause your euro is stronger than our dollar.

    If you want some websites check this out, it has all the stores in West edmonton mall but other places in Canada have these stores, just click on the name of a store and it'll take you to the website

    Good Luck and have a fun time!

  3. Hi, B.

    It's currently cheap, because of the strong Euro and the weak Canadian Dollar.

    Please make sure you know in advance what things you are allowed to bring back to your country, and up to which over-all value. For Germany, it's max. €175.-, if I remember correctly.

    I hope you are aware of the Region Code AND signal format differences concerning DVDs?

    I don't know of much things that are of real interest. I bought Maple Syrup related stuff, like any other dull tourist, DVDs (cause I rule the Region and format world), Buffy season 8 comics, and Pears soap (old British soap that's only manufactured in India nowadays, hard to get in Germany, and widely available in Canada).

    If you could add what things you are interested in, people might come up with more ideas; also, if you could tell us roughly which area you are going to, people might be able to specifically recommend exciting malls, or small artist's shops, etc.
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