
Shopping party etiquette? (as in pampered sheff party, tupperware party...)?

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I have a new girlfriend who likes to host these shopping Mary Kay, Pampered Sheff, etc. She doesn't know many people to invite and I feel like I would be letting her down by not being one of the few people there. Problem is, I am a poor college student and really can't afford to order anything and I've heard that it's rude to go to something like this without ordering anything. Is this true? I mean I hate to throw away money on something I don't really need...but I hate to let a friend down. A lot of the things sold at these parties are pretty expensive...what should I do?




  1. more money can always be made.

  2. If you enjoy the parties, but can't afford to buy anything, maybe you could book a party of your own (at your friends party). Most consultants will give the hostess additional credit if a guest of hers books their own party. And as a hostess of your own party you will earn free products! Then you've helped your friend AND received free products - it's the best of both worlds!

  3. I think it admirable that you want to support your girlfriend.  If she invites you and you want to attend, then do.  She is probably inviting you because she wants you with her.  Who wouldn't?  She probably REALLY likes you and feels more comfortable when you are around.

    Hosting the parties, even though beneficial, is still a bit unnerving.

    If you have other plans, just let her know.  You are not obligated to purchase.  Quite honestly, you not obligated to even listen to the presentation.

    Just be there to help her.

    I would ask her what you can do to help.  You are a good friend to be so supportive.

    I have friends attend MY parties knowing they are not going to buy.  Just knowing they are there makes ME feel like it's all going to be okay.

    Let us know what you decide to do.

    No matter what you decide, be sure to explain how you feel to her.

    ~Carol Ann

  4. Tell what you've just said: you're a poor college student and you can't afford the stuff at these parties, nor can you use it for anything.  I used to sell Pampered Chef, and though I usually had a blast no matter what, I'd prefer not to waste my time trying to sell to someone who came in knowing they couldn't afford the stuff and didn't want any of it anyway.  I wouldn't feel bad, though, just be honest with her.  Tell her you like her and you'd love to spend time with her, just you'd prefer it to be less expensive to hang out with her!   Maybe suggest a regular party, and you can help her put it together.  Many times people who throw lots of different kinds of shopping parties do it because they like to have people over and socialize, but they think there has to be a "purpose", and feel insecure about people coming or having a good time otherwise.

  5. I get that feeling too when I go to those parties.  I have a bunch of ladies at work who are always having some type of party.  I get picked on because I don't cook, so whenever there's a Pampered Chef or Tastefully Simple party, they're always eager to see what I bought.  I'm still getting teased for ordering chip clips and a trivet....hey, they were things I needed!

    I've had my own share of parties...candle parties (none of that kitchen junk!) and I tell everyone not to feel obligated to buy something.  I know I'd hate to feel forced to buy something I really didn't want....and that stuff is expensive!  Maybe instead of buying something, offer to your friend that you'll book a party off of her.  Usually if a guest books a party of their own, the hostess gets some sort of reward.  If you have your own party, with a bag of Tostitos, jar of salsa and some margaritas and you'll have all sorts of "free" money to order what you want....granted it's something worth ordering.  I'm totally burned out on Pampered Chef!  :)

  6. I am a Mary Kay consutlant and sure we want new cusatomers however our parties are truely about having fun and pampering yourself at least that is how you should be treated however they are not all the same and I say if you wont feel confortable just going for the fun and socialization then be honest and let her know it is not something oyu need or it is not something oyu can afford.

  7. I believe it is spelt CHEF, as in one who cooks. Sheff isn't a word.

    If you're a guy I think it would be WEIRD if you went to a Mary Kay party considering it's makeup, and a Pampered Chef party is for cooking, so I believe that's a little feminine as well.  

  8. If she's a "new" friend who doesn't really have a lot of friends, just offer to help her to make flyers for groups of people you think could be an interested group that would have something in common with one of you.

    Like a book club, or church group or...

    I have been in your shoes.  I attended a friend's scrapbooking thing.  She burned everyone out, because we all felt obligated to buy.  I dont think she does that anymore, cause the whole thing is a weird set up.

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