
Shops splitting up multipacks what can be done if your local shop is doing it?

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my local shop is splitting up multipacks i know i shouldn't gripe but there is a lot of old people use this shop, I know its legal if the individual prices are the same as what the multi pack cost im fed up they do it with tins crisps and cigarettes frequently getting their produce from the bigger stores (the offers) and then selling it on at profit to themselves. please can someone help me.




  1. Multipacks are made up from individual packs which may not meet the weight legislation when sold separately.

    Report them to Trading Standards, it's illegal.


  2. There should be something written on the pack that it is part of a multipack and not to be sold by themselves

    Report the shop, its taking the savings meant for the customer and putting them in the pocket of the shop owner

  3. immediately report them to trading standards officers

  4. Take pictures and then bribe them with trading standards, lol!

  5. It's true - multipack items are often smaller than their individual counterparts. Call Trading Standards.

  6. talk to the shop manager and say if he doesnt stop this you will report him/her....

    If you dont want to do that then contact OFT or trading standards

    Trading standards may not be the best...they were hpoeless when I contacted them so Id say try oft(office of fair trading) as it is unfair trading practise.

    Good Luck


  7. report them to trading standards, it says on all multi packs not to be sold separately.........

  8. Contact the manufacturer or Trading Standards if it worries you that much.

  9. I'm surprised that when the can is scanned that the bar code does not say that one can is part of a multipack.

    The only way to stop this practice is by contacting trading standards and telling them what you have told us. And I would get as much evidence as you can as trading standards will ask you to take photos i.e. by mobile phone if you can as this will help with their investigations.

    Good that someone worries about others getting ripped off by this unscrupulous shop keeper. Kudo to you!

    You will have to be careful as your concern will only apply if the multipack is on special offer and that when the shopkeeper spilts the packs he then sells the single can for more that the offer price.

    Normally it states on the pack only it is a special offer but never mentions it on the can itself so effectively this shopkeeper can rip folk off right left and centre.

  10. The warning not to split multipacks is not legally enforceable as there is no law saying this should not be done.  The suppliers can refuse to supply shops that do this, but that's as far as it goes.

    Did you know that the wholesale prices paid by some of these small retailers are higher than the retail prices for the same goods at the big supermarkets?  I can't say I blame them for buying from the supermarkets when that is the case.  The small shopkeepers make very little proift per item, as they have no muscle in the market.  Some are members of groups such as NISA, but the benefits are limited.

    btw, I'm not a shopkeeper.

  11. No it is illegal,,,the manufacturer gives a discounted price to the purchaser on multipacked foods and beverages,,,IE Walkers Crisps sell to Bookers cash and carry who then sell to the retailer,,,,if the cost is reduced by the manufacturer the shop that finally sells the product to you is making extra profits,,,,all manufacturers will stop selling to the shop if they are made aware,,you either have to contact your local Trading Standards officer at the council or write to the manufacturer direct,,,,,It is profiteering by the shop and is illegal,,,,,

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