
Short Essay about a scary story? Can you help me how to begin?

by  |  earlier

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I want to write a short essay about a scary story for my english class like maybe a family goes to this hotel and they dont know that its haunted, then creepy stuff starts happening.

but i havent started yet and i dont know how to begin...

Can someone plzzz help me on this plzzz

just give me a small sample ...





  1.   Have you Ever seen the Snoopy cartoon where Snoopy is starting his great American novel by   sitting up on his dog house with the typewriter and visor and the bubble says, " It was a dark and stormy night.""?

    Start with a setting, a feeling of unease, a description of things not being quite right, nothing working out  the elements ( wind, rain, dust  animals etc are peculiar..)....The family arrives and everything seems Ok..but then there is that window that just won't stay closed for the youngest child whom everyone discounts anyway, but everyone is hungry so no one pays much mind... etc. etc.

  2. well lucky for you i am the best at stories.

    well you can say like

    ( child's name) its time for you to get up and get ready. remember hunny were going to (hotels name). we don't want to be late now do we.


             or if you don't want to begin with that long one you can go for


          outside (hotels name) it looked so beautiful.the crisp air blowing ever so often.the hotel looked liked a castle, magnifecent full of secrets. only if the family knew that the secrets the hotel held were not so beautful as the hotel itself.


               hope i helped!

  3. If you need help with your homework

    you should go to


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