
Short: My employer took me off the schedule for "issues."?

by  |  earlier

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I received a call from my employer last week saying that the boss took me off the schedule because of some issues. Now, these issues are unknown to me. I can't think of anything I possibly done to have me off the schedule. I'm a good work and I do what is told of me. I contacted my work the following day, once at noon and the other time at 2. Both times I asked if I can speak to the office person and/or someone who knows why I got taken off the schedule. They told me they they would call me back and they never did. Besides looking for another job (which I am doing) what else can I possibly do?




  1. nothing. there could be a number of reasons that don't necessarily mean they are job related. maybe the boss id cutting back and it's his way out to tell you it's due to something else.

  2. Talk to the boss. Don't settle for some office person that might know. Go straight to the person that did it. Either he will refuse to talk to you, or he will tell you why he took you off the schedule.

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